A regulated diet.
Of, or relating to diet.
Comprising a food source.
On his return his health was rather worse; but he would submit to no dietary regime.
The sunlight when outside in the open also helps the rabbit to absorb dietary calcium.
According to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, people aged 50 and over should be especially careful to consume foods rich in vitamin B12 as well as reducing sodium intake to 1500 mg per day.
On the ground that the aim of every prosperous community should be to have a large proportion of hardy country yeomen, and that horticulture and agriculture demand such a high ratio of labour, as compared with feeding and breeding cattle, that the country population would be greatly increased by the substitution of a fruit and vegetable for an animal dietary.
This is probably due to two causes - the emigration of the poorer classes who subsisted on that form of food, and the gradual introduction of a more varied dietary.
Binding to bile acids In vitro binding of bile acids by certain components of dietary fiber has been well documented.
In these cases natural dietary antioxidants are limited in their effect.
The objective of the study was to examine the relationship between specific dietary carotenoids and the incidence of coronary artery disease (CAD ).
I f you have any special dietary needs just let us know in advance.
Please keep me and the others apprised of your progress, and I look forward to receiving more dietary information in due course.
Chronic renal failure is amenable to dietary modification however acute is not.
To monitor adherence to diet Serial measurements of EMA are a reliable marker for dietary adherence.
Dietary changes that may be helpful The body repairs and builds new tissues in a process called anabolism.
Conversely, vegetarians may have lower dietary exposures to chemicals which are more prevalent in meat and fish (e.g. arsenic ).
Vegetarian and other dietary requirements happily catered for with advance notice.
However, studies have shown that dietary cholesterol also increases HDL cholesterol which may protect against coronary heart disease.
And eggs are an excellent source of dietary choline without a high fat intake.
Recommendations and guidelines are provided for dietary chromium in domestic animal species.
Consider excess dietary vitamin A intake as a possible cause for congenital cleft palate when it occurs and review the mothers nutritional history.
Influence of dietary mackeral oil on the condition of organs and on the blood lipid composition in the young growing pig.
Document Back to previous page Are natural dietary constituents limiting for protection against light exposure?
I settled for dry cornflakes, dry toast and despite dietary morals, cake.
It will give therapists the tools to motivate clients to follow specific dietary and supplementary recommendations to achieve optimum health.
Current approaches to weight control include dietary and lifestyle interventions, drug treatment, and surgery, and have varying degrees of success.
Those with levels between 5.2 mmols/l and 6.5 mmols/l should be given dietary counseling and advice on the other risk factors.
If you have any special requirements (e.g. dietary, access, hearing etc.) please let us know in advance.
However, if you have specific special dietary needs we would be delighted to try and meet them.
This includes not only dietary changes, but also modifying your behavior and ideally participating in a regular exercise program.
Health promotion strategies are investigated and studies carried out to assess the factors affecting health behavior changes, particularly dietary behavior.
She can give valuable advice on cleaning methods and even dietary advice if needed.
Consuming dietary vitamin and mineral supplements may help play an important role in maintaining good health.
This estimate is somewhat higher than the high-level adult dietary intake of arsenic of 0.42 mg/day estimated from the 1994 TDS.
Although replaced by non-starch polysaccharides, most people are familiar with the term dietary fiber so it will be used here.
This fluoride would come from food and drink or from fluoride dietary supplements.
Diabetes specialist dietitians are ideally placed to deliver dietary information to people with type 2 diabetes (BDA, 1999 ).
They offer discreet, durable and highly professional cards articulating your dietary needs to waiters and chefs.
The only rich source of dietary squalene comes from the liver oils of the deep-sea dogfish.
Unusually, we are also told the number of dietary items in the data dredge, namely 67.
Elliott & Topps [4] further showed the response of allantoin excretion to dietary protein intake in cattle.
The most direct way for humans to reduce dietary exposure to dioxins, the report finds, is to reduce consumption of animal fat.
In those days, before health scares and dietary fads, milk and milk shakes were the trendy drinks.
The walls of plant cells are the sources of dietary fiber.
The new form of dietary folate is about to change all that.
He needs the whole variety of dietary components homemade baby foods can offer, including the calories we would rather forego!
Dietary changes that may be helpful Animal studies suggest that dietary fructose may contribute to the development of retinopathy.
Little is known about the pathways through which fructose exerts these effects, and the benefits and threats of dietary fructose remain debatable.
Fighting for the tooth The sugar industry is up in arms over new WHO dietary guidelines.
Do you ask about lifestyle issues e.g. smoking, alcohol, dietary habits, exercise patterns, hazardous sports or occupations?
Comment The only herbal or dietary intervention for which there was any good evidence was for vitamin B1 at 100 mg daily.
He was sent to be educated with a dietary counselor at the isolation hospital at Bryne Boars, Chesil Beach.