Any plant, such as carnations and pinks, of the genus Dianthus.
The gillyflower of Chaucer and Spenser and Shakespeare was, as in Italy, Dianthus Caryophyllus; that of later writers and of gardeners, Matthiola.
When the flower is sessile the bracts are often applied closely to the calyx, and may thus be confounded with it, as in the order Malvaceae and species of Dianthus and winter aconite (Eranthis), where they have received the name of epicalyx or calyculus.
The object of the Society is to further the culture and improvement of Carnations and all other dianthus and allied plants.
For instance, pinks, carnations and sweet William, which are all dianthus, would not be classed as different kinds.
For instance, pinks, carnations and sweet william, which are all dianthus, would not be classed as different kinds.
Wildflower Pinks, also known just as Pinks, are in the Dianthus family, which makes them cousins to carnations, sweet Williams, baby's breath and about 300 other varieties of flowers.
Writings dating as far back as the 14th century refer to the dianthus flower as pinks.
The color pink itself is named after the dianthus flower.
Even the sewing tool known as pinking shears, a type of scissor that creates a wavy edge, may be named after the ruffled dianthus flower.
Dianthus deltoides, also called Maiden Pinks, pictured above.
The proper name for the genus is dianthus.