To remove foreign and harmful substances from something.
Our bodies naturally detoxify to maintain life and health.
Eliminating toxins and stimulants is key to any diet claiming to detoxify the body.
A detoxification fast may or may not help your body rid itself of toxins, but the only way to effectively detoxify over the long term is to avoid those products that cause toxic build-up in the first place.
Consider using a liver tonic to help detoxify the body.
Bio-Energiser Detox Foot Spa - detoxify and energize with this fantastic foot spa !
Bio-Energiser detox Foot spa - detoxify and energize with this fantastic foot spa!
Colds and Flu-By encouraging perspiration, ginger may help individuals detoxify from unwanted germs and overcome illness.
Some physicians recommend using medication to help detoxify the body, and make the withdrawal symptoms that are bound to occur less pleasant.
Improved liver and kidney function, which helps to detoxify the body.
These bath salts are made with Solar and Epsom salts for to help replenish and detoxify your skin.
Young digestive tracts absorb toxins more readily than adult digestive tracts, and young kidneys don't detoxify as efficiently as adult kidneys.
Interestingly, MDA also offers a homeopathic remedy that is intended to detoxify the body of any lingering effects of the x-rays.
Alternative treatments that have been suggested for arthritis include juice therapy, which can work to detoxify the body, helping to reduce JA symptoms.
Shatkriya encompasses six actions designed to detoxify the body.
The goal is to detoxify muscles through profuse sweating and to relax and rejuvenate the mind and body.
Ayurvedic nutritional counseling is a nature-based system that will; detoxify, relax, and bring balance to your; mind, body, and diet.
Practiced in a heated, climate-controlled room, it is a vigorous program designed to stimulate, detoxify and strengthen the body and mind.
When someone attempts to detoxify their body via a detox diet plan, it means that they're striving to rid their body of certain toxins or other contaminants.
Today many of the people who express an interest in the diet, are looking for a way to lose weight fast, and while this is one aspect of the diet Burroughs promoted, he also talked of how it worked to detoxify the body.
The superb nondrying clay and seaweed mask aims to detoxify and remove any impurities from skin, leaving it glowing and radiant.
Herbal. Some salons offer special herbal products designed to purify or detoxify the body.