The process of removing toxins.
Detoxification can be accomplished suddenly, by complete and immediate cessation of all substance use or by slowly decreasing (tapering) the dose that a person is taking, to minimize the side effects of withdrawal.
Other helpful alternative approaches include identifying and eliminating food allergens from the diet, enhancing the function of the liver, augmenting the hydrochloric acid in the stomach, and completing a detoxification program.
Supporters of detox diets, like naturopathic doctor and author of Detoxification, Linda Page, assert that benefits of detoxifying include renewing and recharging the body, while jump-starting a healthier lifestyle.
Over 20 months 137 consecutive opiate addicts were followed after in-patient detoxification.
Detoxification using adrenergic alpha-2 agonists An excess of noradrenaline at the synapses is responsible for many of the withdrawal symptoms.
Dr. Beauchamp teaches holistic medicine classes and provides consultations focusing on detoxification and whole-foods nutrition.
Some members of this superfamily of detoxification enzymes are thought to protect us from PCBs and other pollutants.
These trace metals can divert natural detoxification pathways of superoxide radicals into much more damaging radicals.
Over time, such ingredients can stress a cat's detoxification organs such as the liver and kidneys.
Glutathione is a crucial compound for liver detoxification and in one study, glutathione levels in the body were raised by more than 30 percent after participants consumed the herb.
Cleansing the major organs of the body such as the liver and kidneys as part of a routine detoxification program is an integral part of natural, herbal-based medicine.
While kidney cleansing or detoxification is not as well known perhaps as liver or colon cleansing, the kidneys are also an important organ for removing toxins and wastes from the body.
Options include inpatient and outpatient therapies, counseling, 12-step programs, and detoxification programs.
The Addiction Medical Group Inc. (AMGI) offers Rapidly Accelerated Narcotic Detoxification (a.k.a. ultrarapid opiate detoxification) to people who are chemically dependent on opiates.
This will often include a detoxification session, where medications may be used to ease withdrawal symptoms in a highly supervised situation.
Rapid detox is a fast detoxification done in a clinical setting.
Traditional detoxification programs can take up to two weeks as addicts rid their bodies of chemicals from the drugs they were taking.
However, rapid detoxification completes this process in four to six hours while under anesthesia and requires a 24-48 hour stay in a clinical setting.
Opiate-based drug addictions that are effectively treated by with this method of detoxification include addictions to heroin, codeine, Vicodin, morphine, Demerol, Lorcet, and Percocet.
Most medical professionals recommend that all rapid detoxification programs are followed by counseling, therapy, and other forms of treatment.
Detoxification in a medically supervised setting may be needed.
The Narconon Drug Rehabilitation Program, First Step Program, and New Life Detoxification Program are used to treat addicts who want to make a change in their life for the better.
The New Life Detoxification Program combines exercise, sweating in a sauna, and using nutritional supplements to reduce drug and alcohol symptoms and cravings.
Detoxification is a process by which the body rids itself of the substance to which it is addicted.
Not every alcoholic will experience withdrawal symptoms during the detoxification period, but a substantial number will.
Social model detoxification is one that rarely uses medication, although medical personnel are usually available if needed.
Addicts who expect to have severe withdrawal symptoms, such as delirium tremens or seizures, should also be in a medical model of drug detoxification.
Drug detoxification is key to beginning a successful recovery.
For teens who are on hard drugs like cocaine, heroin, and OxyContin, medical detoxification can help to reduce some of the physical symptoms of withdrawals.
Detoxification. Medical detoxification can safely help an individual through the worst stages of withdrawal.
Programs may include everything from behavioral therapy and counseling to detoxification.
Most believers like it for its perceived detoxification properties, which they note can result in everything from resistance to allergies to a decrease in cellulite.
Kombucha purveyors tout its B-vitamin content and the glucuronic acid that is said to boost the detoxification process.
Organic kombucha tea is an herbal supplement used primarily for detoxification and to boost wellness.
Detoxification may take from several days to many weeks.
Some substances absolutely must be tapered, because "cold turkey" methods of detoxification are potentially life threatening.
Treatment may include detoxification in an in-patient facility and/or rehabilitation in a youth-centered substance abuse program.
In general, before treatment can begin, many treatment centers require that the patient undergo detoxification.
Detoxification is the process of weaning the patient from his or her regular substance use.
Some substances must be tapered because cold-turkey methods of detoxification are potentially life threatening.
When substance abuse or addiction is present, a patient must ordinarily undergo a period of detoxification and abstinence before a mood disorder can be accurately diagnosed.
Options include reflexology massages, wraps, and detoxification treatments to cleanse the body inside and out.
The withdrawal is so severe that it can lead to fetal distress, which makes abrupt detoxification too dangerous for the baby.
If you're considering kombucha for detoxification and to help gastrointestinal problems, consider herbal supplements, a good multivitamin, and a detox diet to improve overall health.
Puritan's Pride sells various formulations for colon cleansing, detoxification, adrenal support, and more.
Hot Yoga is beneficial in minimizing muscular injuries, increasing flexibility and increasing detoxification through the elimination of sweat.
Another alternative treatment that is often explored in relation to autism is the use of detoxification for heavy metals.
A detoxification diet is meant to rid the body of toxins.
Most detoxification plans center their intake recommendations on fruits, vegetables, juices and herbal teas.
Doing gentle stretching, yoga positions and breathing exercises will assist the detoxification process as well.