A single state of a particular determinable attribute.
Distinct, clearly defined.
Fixed, set, unvarying.
Of growth: ending once a genetically predetermined structure has formed.
Conclusive; decisive; positive.
Determined or resolved upon.
Of determined purpose; resolute.
They paid a fixed proportion of the produce (pars agraria) to the owner of the estate, and gave a determinate amount of labour (operae) on the portion of the domain which he kept in his own hands (mansus dominicus).
But 8 they are not congenitally present in the individual in a determinate shape.
The position of a lamina movable in its own plane is determinate when we know the positions of any two points A, B of it.
It follows that the single resultant to which the system in general reduces is uniquely determinate, i.e.
It is often a question of importance to determine the number of teeth in a train of wheels best suited for giving a determinate velocity ratio to two axes.
The active principle makes the matter a given determinate thing, characterizing and qualifying it, whence it is termed quality (7roLOrns).
The second kind of inflorescence is determinate, definite or terminal.
In connexion with the problem of universals, he held that the diversity of individuals depends on the quantitative division of matter (materia signata), and in this way he attracted the criticism of the Scotists, who pointed out that this very matter is individual and determinate, and, therefore, itself requires explanation.
Among the great variety of problems solved are problems leading to determinate equations of the first degree in one, two, three or four variables, to determinate quadratic equations, and to indeterminate equations of the first degree in one or more variables, which are, however, transformed into determinate equations by arbitrarily assuming a value for one of the required numbers, Diophantus being always satisfied with a rational, even if fractional, result and not requiring a solution in integers.
Thus if s be known, an approximate value of W is determinate.
They teach further the solution of problems leading to equations of the first and second degree, to determinate and indeterminate equations, not by single and double position only, but by real algebra, proved by means of geometric constructions, and including the use of letters as symbols for known numbers, the unknown quantity being called res and its square census.
Albert and Aquinas agree in declaring that the principle of individuation is to be found in matter, not, however, in matter as a formless substrate but in determinate matter (materia signata), which is explained to mean matter quantitatively determined in certain respects.
X is, in general, a determinate point, the barycentre of aA, 3B, &c. (or of A, B, &c. for the weights a, 0, &c.).
Henry Thomas Colebrooke, one of the earliest modern investigators of Hindu science, presumes that the treatise of Aryabhatta extended to determinate quadratic equations, indeterminate equations of the first degree, and probably of the second.
In animal physiology he set himself to trace out the operation of determinate chemical and physical laws in the maintenance of life and health.
The composition of the distillate is determinate (by Avogadro's law) if the molecular weights and vapour pressure of the components at the temperature of distillation be known.
The process of evolution from the indeterminate to the determinate is often expressed as a progress from the universal to the particular.
With sixteen teeth the pitch was well defined; with nine teeth it was fairly determinate; and even with two teeth it could be assigned with no great error.
The trees of the genus are closely allied in botanic features, as well as in general appearance, so that it is sometimes difficult to assign to them determinate specific characters, and the limit between species and variety is not always very accurately defined.
Hamilton, in fact, made the double mistake of limiting knowledge to what we can conceive, and confusing the determinate with the finite or limited.
This gives very good contact, and the conductivity of the metal being more than loo times that of the crystal, the temperature of the surface is determinate.
This determinate sense of the spread is called the law of forward direction.
It was only very gradually that these dioceses acquired legislative independence and a determinate organization.
Instead of the mere " is " which is as yet nothing, we should rather say " becomes," and as " becomes " always implies " something," we have determinate being - " a being " which in the next stage of definiteness becomes " one."
The moment we stir a step further with Wundt in the direction of a more general conclusion (ein allgemeinerer Satz), we cannot infer from the premises the conclusion desired by Wundt, "Metals and fusible are connected "; nor can we infer " All metals are fusible, " nor "Metals are fusible," nor "Metals may be fusible," nor "All metals may be fusible," nor any assertory conclusion, determinate or indeterminate, but the indifferent contingent, "All metals may or may not be fusible," which leaves the question undecided, so that there is no syllogism.
The more fully analysed movement, that which proceeds downward from less determinate to more determinate universals, is named Division.
The ideal is progressively to determine a universe of discourse till true infimae species are reached, when no further distinction in the determinate many is possible, though there is still the numerical difference of the indefinite plurality of particulars.
When a plane frame which is just rigid is subject to a given system of equilibrating extraneous forces (in its own plane) acting on the joints, the stresses in the bars are in general uniquely determinate.
We have seen that a rigid structure may in general be rigidly connected with the earth by six links, and it now appears that any system of forces acting on the structure can in general be balanced by six determinate forces exerted by the links.
We have seen that the stresses produced by an equilibrating system of extraneous forces in a frame which is just rigid, according to the criterion of 6, are in general uniquely determinate; in particular, when there are no extraneous forces the bars are in general free from stress.
We may note that a frame of n joints which is just rigid must have 3116 bars; and that the stresses produced in such a frame by a given system of extraneous forces in equilibrium are statically determinate, subject to the exception of critical forms.
These co-ordinates may be chosen in an endless variety of ways, but their number is determinate, and expresses the number of degrees of freedom of the system.
This principle of least resistance renders determinate many problems in the statics of structures which were formerly considered indeterminate.
If, however, the circular ends of the catenoid are closed with solid disks, so that the volume of air contained between these disks and the film is determinate, the film will be in stable equilibrium however large a portion of the catenary it may consist of.
If we write n P = N, then, if any two of the three numbers n, p, N are known, the third is determinate.
It is to be noticed here that the axes of co-ordinates may be any two lines at right angles to each other whatever; and that the equation of a curve will be different according to the selection of the axes of co-ordinates; but the order is independent of the axes, and has a determinate value for any given curve.
But whatever be the nature of the end chosen the libertarian is not concerned to deny that it must possess a fixed determinate character.
The recognition of such a necessary opposition is involved in the determinate act of choice.
These beams are not statically determinate using the static equilibrium laws.
Nor does the process stop with some basic items that really are absolutely determinate.
Nonetheless, it is not a proof of progress because teleological judgments are reflective judgments not determinate ones.
However, we do not consider that the Board definition is sufficiently determinate.
Orthodox belief in a good and almighty God pictures the world as a Cosmos, completely determinate and with all events predestined.
Consequently, we should take it for granted that both terms involved are referentially determinate.
The theory now becomes determinate again - but the problem is that economic reality itself can easily escape from your theory!
For instance, taking any given determinate, there is only one determinable to which it can belong.
We may find determinate modes of interpretation in the eighteenth-century variorum, if we are not distracted by our modern predisposition to indeterminacy.
The doctrine of Anaximenes, who unites the conceptions of a determinate and indeterminate original substance adopted by Thales and Anaximander in the hypothesis of a primordial and all-generating air, is a clear advance on these theories, inasmuch as it introduces the scientific idea of condensation and rarefaction as the great generating or transforming agencies.
Each natural substance is a compound (ov6Erov, vuvNTn ouvia) of essence and matter; its essence (Ethos, i top01 7, Tò TL krL, TOri i i' Etva6) being its actual substance, its matter (An) not; its essence being determinate, its matter not; its essence being immateriate, its matter conjoined with the essence; its essence being one in all individuals of a species, its matter different in each individual; its essence being cause of uniformity, its matter cause of accident.
They are an extension of the principle on which gongs and cymbals and all instruments without notes of determinate pitch are employed in otherwise polyphonic music.