Liable to destruction; capable of being destroyed.
There are bases for a start, fully destructible bases.
On the one hand, they seem quite destructible, and yet on the other, it still works.
There are enhanced graphics, new and destructible environments, extra weapons that can be dual-wielded, vehicles and Xbox Live multiplayer gaming for up to 16 players.
Featuring fully destructible environments and a variety of gameplay modes, Worms Armageddon is one for the ages.
Children with sickle cell anemia produce two abnormal hemoglobin proteins (inheriting one from each parent), which makes their red blood cells easily destructible while giving them a sickle-like shape.
Strong, egotistical, charming, talkative and very worldly on the surface; underneath soft, easily destructible, a constant worrier.
The environments the game offers do tend to be more destructible than the environments in most shooters, but the majority of it still lies in explosive barrels and propane tanks.
The first thing that blew my away (no pun intended) is how destructible all of the environments are.
Thereafter, by exact observation of stratification, eight more periods have been distinguished by the explorer of Cnossus, each marked by some important development in the universal and necessary products of the potter's art, the least destructible and therefore most generally used archaeological criterion.
But in the crucible and the open-hearth processes the temperature attainable is limited by the danger of melting the furnace itself, both because some essential parts of it, which, unfortunately, are of a destructible shape, are placed most unfavourably in that they are surrounded by the heat on all sides, and because the furnace is necessarily hotter than the steel made within it.