(authorship, often used metaphorically) The conclusion or resolution of a plot.
There are, I think, a number of problems with the story's denouement.
This skill becomes important at the book's denouement which, it must be said, is not wholly convincing.
A post on Penny Arcade's website states "...we have an unbelievably dramatic denouement in the works."
There are many twists and turns and a dramatic denouement at the end.
But they stopped it before the grand denouement, before George fed his amazing concoction to his granny.
To how many questions did this unexpected denouement give rise?
In this horrifying denouement resulting from the clash of multiple perspectives, the audience confronts the dead, wounded, and defiant.
With the shares beating a swift passage south, the final denouement started at a board meeting on August 12.
Finally, all this is already embedded in a setting determined by the romance of Clement and his lost relatives, "recognition" of whom forms the denouement of the story.
Typically Wilson provides a denouement that is truly strange and unexpected.
Janey challenges her mother for the attentions of Cady until the struggle for control reaches a tragic denouement.
Unusually, the play has yet another denouement; perhaps more important than the revelation of Cassie's affair with Michael.
Surely you want to see the denouement of Wayne Rooney's Foot?
I've been asked not to reveal the final denouement but this tense thriller will keep you guessing right to the end.