A temporary mental state with a sudden onset, usually reversible, including symptoms of confusion, inability to concentrate, disorientation, anxiety, and sometimes hallucinations. Causes can include dehydration, drug intoxication, and severe infection.
They had a fight in their delirium, and one was severely wounded.
In cases of poisoning the delirium may last for many hours or even days.
Produces a state of excited delirium - extreme highs and lows.
J. Russell Reynolds, Royal Physician, found treatment of alcoholic delirium with cannabis to be " very uncertain, but occasionally useful " .
In just three years we have gone from near oblivion to delirium.
It is a mere delirium of the present semi-official organ to whom there is nobody to give the worthy rebuff.
Anti-seizure medications and anti-psychotic drugs are often used during delirium tremens.
Sleep disturbances and, ultimately, sleep-wake cycle reversals, can be early signs of a developing delirium.
This involved working to evidence-based pathways of care for mental health problems including delirium, dementia and depression.
Some of the members were quite keen on a little delirium.
Meanwhile newly-conquered England had its own problems to solve; and Germany, torn by civil war, and not naturally quick to kindle, could only deride the "delirium" of the crusader.'
In a well-marked case there is usually an initial rigor - in children convulsions - followed by a rise of temperature, with vomiting, headache, giddiness, intolerance to light; pain in epigastrium, back and limbs; sleeplessness, apathy or delirium.
Delirium tremens-a condition in which mental and neurological changes cause confusion, disorientation, hyperactivity, hallucinations, and cardiovascular changes.
Addicts who expect to have severe withdrawal symptoms, such as delirium tremens or seizures, should also be in a medical model of drug detoxification.
Ranging from the sudden onset of confusion, known as delirium, to various forms and degrees of dementia including Alzheimer's Disease, the term confused elderly means different things.
Symptoms include uncontrollable vomiting, often with lethargy, memory loss, disorientation, or delirium.
Severe withdrawal can result in serious medical problems, including delirium tremens.
Delirium tremens-A complication that may accompany alcohol withdrawal.
The doctor will perform a thorough medical examination to determine whether the explosive outburst was related to substance abuse, withdrawal from drugs, head trauma, delirium, or other physical conditions.
Illness with high fever may bring about delirium with frightening episodes of nighttime awakening.
Other side effects include dry mouth, constipation, difficulty urinating, blurred vision, sedation, weight gain, central nervous system and cardiovascular toxicity, delirium, and risk of suicide by overdose.
Symptoms of Reye's syndrome are nausea and vomiting, and more seriously, neurological problems such as confusion or delirium.
Severe side effects include seizures, delirium, and hallucination, but are rare and are nearly always limited to people who have kidney problems, seizure disorders, or psychiatric disorders.
Her agent explained this as delirium resulting from exhaustion.
Maybe it was his delirium, but Jule thought the vamp looked larger than even Damian.
But directly he was released from the rack he always withdrew the confessions uttered in the delirium of pain.
This resulted in an inflammation of the upper membrane of the brain, delirium and death.
Bromural or a-bromisovaleryl urea, NH 2 C0 NH C0 CHBr CH(CH 3) 2, has been introduced as an hypnotic; its action is mild, and interfered with by the presence of pain, cough or delirium.
Horrible mental depression and melancholia are present, and there may be hallucinations of vision and hearing passing into violent delirium.
When taken continuously the drug soon loses its power as a hypnotic. Its unpleasant taste usually prevents the formation of a paraldehyde habit, but it occasionally occurs with symptoms resembling delirium tremens.
Alcohol or drug intoxication, delirium, obesity and respiratory problems (asthma among them) can increase the risk of positional asphyxia.
Scientists, publishers and librarians all seem to suffer delirium when it comes to electronic publishing.
Writing, deals with alienation provided by language; or what may be called the endless delirium of language.
According to the Harrogate Advertiser a storming rendition of Riverdance caused such delirium that the audience would not stop clapping.
The consequence was a nervous illness with some of the symptoms of delirium tremens, through which George Sand nursed him with tenderness and care.
Remittent fevers (as well as intermittents) vary considerably in intensity; some cases are intense from the outset, or pernicious, with aggrava tion of all the symptoms - leading to stupor, delirium, collapse, intense jaundice, blood in the stools, blood and albumen in the urine, and, it may be, suppression of urine followed by convulsions.
His state of universal doubt he describes as a " malady " or as " philosophical melancholy and delirium."
There may be bleeding from the nose, cutaneous congestion, deafness, blindness, coma or delirium, and even death from cardiac failure.
He wore a greatcoat in midsummer, being affected with the trembling delirium, and his face was the color of carmine.
Prince Andrew wished to return to that former world of pure thought, but he could not, and delirium drew him back into its domain.
I suspect that all things unspoken in our souls partake somewhat of the laxity of delirium and dementia.
And his attention was suddenly carried into another world, a world of reality and delirium in which something particular was happening.
The headache is described as splitting; delirium is of the busy type, like delirium tremens.
Though he thought of everything, considered everything, and did everything the best of officers could do in his position, he was in a state akin to feverish delirium or drunkenness.
Prayers were offered everywhere for his recovery, and the country was swept by a delirium of loyal enthusiasm, which conferred on him the title of Louis le bien aline'.
Further, he had the discernment to see that certain symptoms - such as convulsions and delirium, which were then commonly held always to indicate inflammation - were often really signs of weakness.
The headache, deafness, ringing in the ears and even delirium of salicylism, are practically identical with the symptoms of cinchonism.
This has long been a debated matter, but it may now be stated, with considerable certainty, that the higher centres are incoordinately stimulated, a state closely resembling that of delirium tremens being induced.
The treatment of plague is still symptomatic. The points requiring most attention are the cerebral symptoms - headache, sleeplessness, delirium, &c. - and the state of the heart.
The presence of toxins in the blood not only affects the brain, causing delirium, but also other organs, the heart and lung, and may cause fatal syncope or respiratory failure.