Serving, or suitable, for defense; defensive, defending.
When a divorce is granted, the defendant is not permitted to marry other than the plaintiff for three years, unless the plaintiff dies.
When a defendant was of rank superior to that of the plaintiff, distress had to be preceded by troscad (=fasting).
A defendant who is served with a claim form must file an acknowledgment of service.
His speech for the defence contributed much to the verdict for the defendant.
Only that amount was recoverable from an unsuccessful defendant.
The defendant was convicted of excise evasion on the 22nd September 2005.
The second defendant subsequently assigned that tenancy to the wife.
The plaintiff having made his demand and waited a certain time without result, went and sat without food before the door of the defendant.
An acquitted defendant will not be required to pay toward his defense.
As a prosecution witness, will I see the defendant at court?
The defendant was convicted in April 2005 of keeping a brothel.
The court also debarred defendant from using my uncle's hill to reflect his end of the echo, without consent.
The defendant amended his report and sent it to the plaintiff's solicitors.
The judges at Babylon seem to have formed a superior court to those of provincial towns, but a defendant might elect to answer the charge before the local court and refuse to plead at Babylon.
The ordinary law courts are under the control of the ministry of justice, but in accordance with the extra-territorial rights enjoyed by foreign powers in Siam, each consulate has attached to it a court, having jurisdiction in all cases in which a subject of the power represented by such consulate is defendant.
There was concern that some evidence, which would have assisted a defendant, could not have been made admissible under the existing rules.
This entitles the claimant to apply for a warrant to have the defendant evicted.
The false evidence in the case was deliberately concocted to make me the main defendant.
At first sight, the defendant's contentions pose an intractable logical puzzle.
He submits that the claimant is entitled to judgment for the sum demanded leaving the defendant to pursue any counterclaim it may have.
You should ensure that the offence(s) charged is the most appropriate to reflect the criminality of the defendant.
The defendant was Joseph BRADLEY, and he was summoned for wife desertion, persistent cruelty and neglect of wife and child.
The first question is whether a defendant's behavior would be regarded as dishonest by the ordinary standards of reasonable and honest people.
Those facts certainly do not constitute logical proof of the defendant's guilt, which is the standard Popper sets for inductive inference.
Also, it would normally be the defendant insurer, rather than the claimant, who would purchase the annuity.
The defendant's insurer 's loss assessors accepted the offer.
By 1986, Raymark Corporation had been named as a defendant in more than 88,000 asbestos-related personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits.
This initial written permission stage would allow recourse to an oral hearing if required by the defendant.
The Claimants ' suit was therefore time-barred and summary judgment was entered in favor of the defendant shipowners.
The defendant's solicitors promptly pointed out the mistake in the name of the defendant.
The inspector went to Park Parade Station and there found the defendant, who was a coal stoker.
The Defendant offered a disqualification undertaking, which was accepted.
The defendant, a master wheelwright, had contracted with the firm to keep their vans in good and substantial repair.
The bill was shelved, a prorogation having taken place in consequence of a quarrel between the two Houses, supposed to have been purposely got up by Shaftesbury, in which he supported the right of the Lords to hear appeal cases, even where the defendant was a member of the Lower House.
In c. 21 he gives either plaintiff or defendant an appeal within ten days to the secular judge of the locality from the bishop's judgment.
Cases between foreigners of different nationalities are heard in the court of the defendant, and between foreigners and Turkish subjects in the local courts, at which a consular dragoman attends to see that the trial is conducted according to law.
As soon as a divorce has been granted the plaintiff may marry again, but the defendant is not permitted to marry within the state any one except the plaintiff until five years have elapsed, and then only in case the court permits it because of the petitioner's uniformly good conduct in the meantime.
The king held his court in person less and less often, and it pronounced its decrees in his absence; we even find him pleading his cause before it as plaintiff or defendant.
The parties quitclaimed all actions against each other, after which the defendant paid a fine of 40d for the amercement.
The Defendant could not recall who sent the form back.
Defendant = A person accused or sued in a court of law.
The process could continue with a replication from the plaintiff, a rejoinder from the defendant (and possibly even further pleadings).
Bail 39 A court can remand a defendant in custody, or can grant bail, with or without conditions.
The defendant 's solicitors promptly pointed out the mistake in the name of the defendant.
The defendant amended his report and sent it to the plaintiff 's solicitors.
On 1 September 1998, it made a standstill agreement with the defendant, which stopped the clock ticking on the limitation period.
A container belonging to the defendant shipowners exploded whilst on the terminal and destroyed a straddle carrier and terminal tug and trailer.
The process to determine whether a defendant is financially eligible for criminal legal aid representation will be simple to understand and straightforward to administer.
There were potential difficulties with limitation and the defendant NHS trust also questioned the subrogation rights of the insurer.
The defendant must have lived in the state for six months prior to filing of the petition to be eligible for a divorce.