Someone who advocates defeatism, or has such an attitude
Of, or relating to defeatism
Yet the consultation paper takes a very complacent if not defeatist line on such issues.
We can do something about it, and I can't understand why all the left has become so defeatist.
This isn't a defeatist attitude in Taurus's world.
And they are in too defeatist a frame of mind to think positively.
In Scotland and Northern Ireland over the last two decades, unionism has become defeatist, defensive and apprehensive about the future.
During the progress of the campaign he kept away from public affairs, although he assumed a Cassandra-like attitude in all his utterances, and his henchmen in the press were frankly defeatist."
The result was that the defeatist position adopted in 1938 by the founding congress of the Trotskyist Fourth International lacked political purchase.
It is far too easy to become defeatist, far too easy to claim that we cannot compete in the Tests that lie ahead.
Those who advocated a ' revolutionary defeatist ' policy in the Second World War assumed something similar would occur.
In this article I shall argue that to think simply like this would be wrong and rather defeatist.
His administration of that department left much to be desired, as he permitted the Socialists to conduct a defeatist propaganda which was largely responsible for Caporetto.