An opinion, a judgment, a surmise.
To judge, to pass judgment on; to doom, to sentence.
To adjudge, to decree.
To dispense (justice); to administer (law).
(ditransitive) To hold in belief or estimation; to adjudge as a conclusion; to regard as being; to evaluate according to one's beliefs; to account.
She deemed his efforts insufficient.
To think, judge, or have or hold as an opinion; to decide or believe on consideration; to suppose.
Bock treats him as an antitrinitarian, on grounds which Wallace rightly deems inconclusive.
He deems abstract and esoteric ideology as a waste of time and irrelevant to his world view.
All that the Constitution permits him to do in this direction is to inform Congress of the state of the nation and to recommend the measures which he deems to be necessary.
It was inevitable, however, that discrepancies should emerge between the texts of professed scholars, and as these men in their several localities were authorities on the reading of the Koran, quarrels began to break out between the levies from different districts about the true form that these initials did not belong to Mahomet's text, but might be the monograms of possessors of codices, which, through negligence on the part of the editors, were incorporated in the final form of the Koran; he now deems it more probable that they are to be traced to the Prophet himself, as Sprenger, Loth and others suppose.
He deems all non-theological science to be vain or hurtful, has no notion of progress, and regards true science - i.e.
Do not worry, it merely deems to serve as a good harbinger announcing a cutting edge selection of Dark art and Light art.
It works by eliminating information from the file that the program deems superfluous.
By shutting down, what he deems unprofitable, it would increase demand on parking spaces.
Essentially, the property will be divided in a way that the court deems to be fair, not necessarily equal.
Complementary holistic approaches can offer added benefits to whichever medical interventions, sleep study testing, or lifestyle changes your doctor deems necessary.
The clothing adorning these tiny bodies can be fashioned out of satin, silk, or any fabrics the designer deems appropriate.
If the shelter deems the animal unadoptable, they can pick up the animal and consider other options.
He loves good cuisine and is very displeased when served food that he deems is of inferior quality.
She'll strive to strike a balance of fairness in all that she does and will rile against anything she deems to be an injustice.
The immature bull can go on a rampage of jealousy over the slightest thing he deems is an act of unfaithfulness.
Even the best deals won't help your pocketbook if the school board deems them unsuitable.
Some past lives only require one session in order for you to glean the information your higher soul deems necessary for you at that particular time.
In regard to church government, the Baptists agree with the Congregationalists that each separate church is complete in itself, and has, therefore, power to choose its own ministers and to make such regulations as it deems to be most in accordance with the purpose of its existence, that is, the advancement of the kingdom of Christ.
However, if the court deems it necessary to issue such an order, the factors considered are essentially the same as with the property and debt division except that many other factors the court deems relevant are now taken into account.
Rounding out the purchase are 10-day samples of what Estee Lauder deems beauty must-haves, which include best-selling skin care products, mascara and cosmetic bag.
However, traditional etiquette deems that any mention of gifts, including registry cards, in the invitations is inappropriate.
What is inappropriate will depend on your occupation and what your particular employer deems is right for the work environment and the position you hold.
Rental returns - Patients often rent equipment, but may purchase other equipment that works for them particularly if their insurance deems it a better investment.
Holistic alternatives can compliment medical interventions that your physician deems necessary.
Once Aries deems you worthy of his standards, you'll be placed on that pedestal for life or until you tumble off, whichever comes first.
The consultant will pull in whoever he or she deems necessary to provide assistance.
In other words, Saturday and Sunday and what the author of the diet deems "special days" like birthdays and holidays.
The governor sends a message at the beginning of each session of the legislature, and may convene the houses in extraordinary session when he deems it necessary.
The inspector, after making his investigation, is required to make a report to the Board of Trade as to the causes of the accident and the circumstances attending the same, with any observations on the subject which he deems right, and the Board " shall cause every such report to be made public in such manner as they think expedient."
God for him is the creator and ruler of the world, but hardly more; he is the master of a vast machine that grinds out human destinies without sympathy with man and without visible regard for what man deems justice - a being to be acknowledged as lord, not one to be loved.
Notwithstanding this adequate knowledge of Scripture, the modern theologian is disappointed to find very little of what he deems characteristically Christian.
The debtor claims the exemption where the levy is made, but if the sheriff deems the homestead greater in value than the law allows, he may choose three disinterested persons to appraise it and sell any portion that may be adjudged in excess of the legal limit.
But this has little foundation beyond the irritation of an author at his own failure to attract such attention as he deems his due.