A topic that is open to debate.
Open to debate; not fully proved or confirmed.
It's debatable whether he is the best candidate for the position.
Able to be debated; up for discussion.
The lack of bonuses this year is not debatable.
But, although the union of the Roses ought to have extinguished controversy, a host of debatable questions and plausible pretexts for rebellion remained.
The province is on the border of what may be called the arid "zone"; it is the debatable land between the north-eastern and south-western monsoons, and beyond the influence of either.
Already Serbia had drawn her western forces into the Ovche Polye area, to dispute possession of the debatable region which Bulgaria claimed, and the II.
It is noteworthy that the problems of Hexateuchal criticism are gradually changing their character, as one after another of the main contentions of Biblical scholars regarding the date and authorship of the Hexateuch passes out of the list of debatable questions into that of acknowledged facts.
Of the socalled Arabian philosophers of the East, al-Farabi, Ibn-Sina and al-Ghazali were natives of Khorasan, Bokhara and the outlying provinces of north-eastern Persia; whilst al-Kindi, the earliest of them, sprang from Basra, on the Persian Gulf, on the debatable ground between the Semite and the Aryan.
This was called the Debatable Land, because the possession of it was a constant source of contention between England and Scotland until its boundaries were finally adjusted in 1552.
It was his habit to encourage informal reunions of his intimates, to discuss debatable questions in science and theology.
Such a sketch must pass lightly over debatable ground, and must consist largely of suggestions still in need of confirmation; but if it serves as a frame into which more precise and more detailed statements may be fitted as they come to the ken of the reader, its object will be attained.
They steadfastly sought to eliminate the miraculous from theological belief, and to expel from the system of religious truth all debatable, difficult or mysterious articles.
Whether TV is more effective than radio is debatable; clearly, images offer an immediacy and credibility sound alone lacks.
Whether the public at large benefited is very debatable.
If you're talking about the two-legged ones, that's debatable.
The method of tackling the problem is somewhat debatable.
The appropriateness of waiting list control is also debatable.
Little is known about the pathways through which fructose exerts these effects, and the benefits and threats of dietary fructose remain debatable.
This could of course be random chance, but then again the near misses do often seem to be of debatable status.
Of course it remains debatable whether this philosophical Absolute is necessarily interpreted as a personal God, or perhaps even whether logically it can be.
A desert, or a belt of country left purposely without inhabitants, like the mark, marches or debatable lands of the middle ages, was once a common means of separating nations which nourished hereditary grievances.
Long after Edwin's conquest the lowland continued to be debatable territory held by uncertain tenure, but at length it was to a large extent settled anew by Anglo-Saxon and Norman colonists under Malcolm Canmore and his sons.
Galloway, been made the subject of special inquiries in the principal European countries interested in coal mining; and although certain points are still debatable, the fact is generally admitted as one calling for special precautions.
However, it's debatable just how "free" that puppy really is when you consider all the costs of caring for her over her lifetime.
The dopamine allegations are debatable as well.
The price of this machine makes its status as the best gaming PC deal debatable.
While debatable among scientists, the idea behind the game is that with the training provided in the game, you can lower your brain age score.
It's debatable how accurate these commercials are, as they are clearly biased in favor of promoting Verizon over AT&T, but there are several personal accounts of dropped calls and poor coverage from AT&T subscribers.
This is debatable, in some regards, but the common consensus among iPhone enthusiasts is that this holds up to be largely true.
It is debatable as to which processor is superior, just like comparing Intel and AMD processors on computers.
Again, this issue is highly debatable and you will likely find lots of people on both sides of the argument.
Whether it was designed to be a parody of other beer commercials, an attempt to display women as "idiots" or just simple eye candy for men is still debatable.
Realistically though, will many of us ever get close enough to our favorite stars to develop a relationship or find real love?The validity of the tests are even more debatable when considering astrology, horoscopes, and personality auras.
The first date is not the time to discuss religion, politics or any other heated debatable topic unless you have known this person for a long time and know how he or she will react to a discussion such as this.
Today, many individuals feel that once a relationship has outlasted a month's time (the time frame is equally debatable), it is henceforth inappropriate to breakup via telephone or email or written note.
As one of the items of a school uniform, shorts are often a debatable article of clothing.
The guidelines concerning what makes a film a children's movie are debatable.
The performance issue of one type of cleat versus the other is debatable; players usually have their own preferences depending on what they look for in a softball shoe.
The effectiveness of the Cabbage Soup Diet is debatable.
As you start getting into the 20th century, original and quality reproduction patterns for undergarments become easier to find, although it's debatable as to whether the items themselves are any easier to make!
The efficacy of this type of specialized clothing is debatable (in other words, it may just be good marketing) but it is always useful to be aware of the options.
The subject of whether tables are a thing of the past is highly debatable.
Whether he actually wanted that one was debatable, but he certainly acted pleased with it.
However, much of the apparent evidence presented in the book is highly debatable, based on poor sources or simply incorrect.
Whether the N&P green mortgage deals really represent much of an incentive is perhaps debatable.
Within the Czech Republic, it is still debatable whether the community is ready for such reintegration.
Whether the government is capable of such " joined-up thinking ", however, remains debatable.
In the future, using network-centric special operations, the size and composition of the A-team becomes debatable.
The exact location of the Bill well - a corruption of Boiling Well - seems debatable.
We are not concerned here with the debatable question whether magic preceded religion.
The value of this latter account is, of course, debatable, but it is at least compatible with the general trend of development from hereditary absolutism, civil, military and religious, in the person of the " king," to a constitutional oligarchy.
During this short period in the cabinet he established the naval academy at Annapolis, gave the orders which led to the occupation of California, and sent Zachary Taylor into the debatable land between Texas and Mexico.
Rarefied sphere of pamuk describes the last is debatable phenomenon which surely.