A spontaneous and fanciful series of thoughts while awake not connected to immediate reality.
Nightmares can be juxtaposed with daydreams.
Italian exotic cars are the daydreams of much of the world.
She imagined that this was the beginning of a courtship, and began to build daydreams about becoming his principal wife, but he took no further notice of her and passed on.
Some daydreams become "real" as children begin to act them out in stories and plays.
I had many manic daydreams of being a teacher who had numerous friends.
All Pierre's daydreams now turned on the time when he would be free.
It may only be noticeable when a child looks at distant objects, daydreams, or is tired or sick.
As the mercury rises and your daydreams of a beach vacation kick into high gear, your spring wardrobe takes a bit of a backseat.
It would perhaps be a good idea for us to reflect on our own daydreams.
Hallucinations, unusually vivid daydreams or nightmares, are not uncommon for ventilated GBS patients.
He spent his time over books and in long daydreams, and evinced the strongest distaste for business and all the more bustling pursuits of life.
Mark Morris looks at the Tierney Gearon controversy my empty-headed daydreams Alistair Fitchett comes back from London and talks about what he saw there.
Before going any further, a look at the iPhone 3G S, the newest iPhone as of the summer of 2009, may help you with your daydreams of the new 4G iPhone.
Are phantom airships, UFOs and the like all daydreams trying to become reality?