To mark or become marked with mottling or spots.
Having a mottled or spotted skin or coat, dapple.
The wings in Culex have not the same dappled appearance.
While they can tolerate a bit of dappled shade, the more light they get the healthier they'll be.
While strawberries can tolerate a bit of dappled shade, especially in the late afternoon, too much shade reduces or stops fruit production.
When morning comes Alice finds herself floating on the serene lake with sunlight dappled through overhanging trees.
The sun filters tho the leaves, creating dappled sunshine on the three figures.
Dappled sunlight will help the bulbs, too, as they will not get as hot as they would in direct sunlight.
Look for full, bright sun, not dappled sunlight filtering through tree leaves.
Others prefer a shady location or dappled light.
The popular colour is bay, particularly if of a dark shade, or dappled.
Full sun is defined as six or more hours of sunlight per day, with partial sun morning sunlight, followed by some dappled shade in the late afternoon or during the hottest part of the day.
They can either enhance colors in the iris or tint the colors for a deeper or dappled shade.
The wings in nearly all species have a dappled or speckled appearance, owing to the occurrence of blotches on the front margin and to the arrangement of the scales covering the veins in alternating light and dark patches (Austen).
Though existing horses are usually not marked in any definite manner, or only irregularly dappled, or spotted with light surrounded by a darker ring, many examples are met with showing a dark median dorsal streak like that found in all the other members of the genus, and even with dark stripes on the shoulders and legs.
In the UK and abroad, painted wooden dapple or dappled grays are even more popular with children than polished hardwood finishes.
Not only is Rhianna a world renowned pop star, she's dappled in fashion modeling and fashion designing as well.
While they drove past the garden the shadows of the bare trees often fell across the road and hid the brilliant moonlight, but as soon as they were past the fence, the snowy plain bathed in moonlight and motionless spread out before them glittering like diamonds and dappled with bluish shadows.
The midday sunshine can be a mixed blessing look for dappled shade for best results.
The dappled sunlight on the steep mountain path gave a lovely cool light by which we descended to the little woodsman hut.