With cunning, cleverly.
Each time I've come close to being apprehended, I cunningly slipped away.
Is this true, or is it a cunningly devised fable?
He manoeuvred so cunningly that I could not get within half a dozen rods of him.
The rivalry of the two Powers in the East, cunningly exploited by the Kaiser, was growing more and more acute.
Some are nocturnal, some diurnal; some catch their prey by speed of foot, some by cunningly lying hid, some by means of silken nets.
I just stuttered something, then cunningly changed the subject.
The educational element is so cunningly disguised in the games and puzzles that the children are unaware how much they are learning.
Spot the elusive shepherd and sheep cunningly concealed on each page.
Beneath the Giza plateau lies a secret tomb, cunningly contrived, that has remained undisturbed for nearly five thousand years.
Other people cunningly conceal screens behind beams or curtain pelmets, so that to all intents and purposes they become totally invisible.
First performed in 1668, Molière's comedy cunningly ridicules the snobbery of the aristocracy and the foolish aspirations of the nouveau riche.
It may be that he has to draw a shot with the utmost nicety to save the end, or even the match, or to lay a cunningly contrived block, or to "fire" - that is, to deliver his bowl almost dead straight at the object, with enough force to kill the bias for the moment.
The few that offer any coverage at all are Christmas-themed (this doesn't count the Red Diamond Belted Santa, which consists of two strips of cunningly placed velvet, a belt and a hat) and still not meant to be seen outside the home.
His grandfather had obtained from Venice an " artist " who undertook " to build churches and palaces, to cast big bells and cannons, to fire off the said cannons and to make every sort of castings very cunningly "; and with the aid of that clever Venetian he had become the proud possessor of a " cannon-house," subsequently dignified with the name of " arsenal."
It had to wait two centuries after the revolution of 987 before it was strong enough to take up the dormant tradition of an authority like that of Rome; and until then it cunningly avoided unequal strife in which, victory being impossible, reverses might have weakened those titles, higher than any due to feudal rights, conferred by the heritage of the Caesars and the coronation at Reims, and held in reserve for the future.
First performed in 1668, Molière 's comedy cunningly ridicules the snobbery of the aristocracy and the foolish aspirations of the nouveau riche.
Zwingli began to preach "the Gospel" in 1516, but a contemporary says that he did it so cunningly (listiglich) that none could suspect his drift.
Wayland's son Wittich, and was cunningly exchanged by Hilde - brand for a commoner blade before Wittich's fight with Dietrich.
Test after test, cunningly devised, on which the investigator has set his mind, is put aside, and another substituted."
A Florentine army assisted by Guelphs of other towns was cunningly induced to believe that Siena would surrender at the first summons; but it was met by a Sienese army reinforced by Florentine exiles, including Farinata degli Uberti and other Ghibellines, and by the cavalry of Manfred of Sicily, led by Count Giordano and the count of Arras, with the result that the Florentines were - totally routed at Montaperti on the 4th of September 1260.
But later on, to fit what had occurred, the historians provided cunningly devised evidence of the foresight and genius of the generals who, of all the blind tools of history were the most enslaved and involuntary.