Negligence or fault, as distinguishable from dolus (deceit, fraud), which implies intent, culpa being imputable to defect of intellect, dolus to defect of heart.
I must give a mea culpa to my parents before they will forgive me for my wrongdoing.
This salutary doctrine, however, has undoubtedly been obscured to some extent by the phrase a poena et a culpa, which, from the 13th century to the Reformation, was applied to Plenary Indulgences.
Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa ost religions have in common that they concern people's relations with god or with gods or spirits.
I expect the newspaper to be issuing a mea culpa any day now for the startling inconsistencies in its most recent article.
The business president gathered all of his employees in order to issue a formal mea culpa regarding the company's mistakes.
Many of the banks involved in this situation have pleaded mea culpa.
As early as 1867 he wrote La Hija natural, which was rejected, and remained unknown till 1877, when it appeared with the title of Para tal culpa tal Pena.
The business's president gathered all of his employees in order to issue a formal mea culpa regarding the company's mistakes.