To fall apart; to disintegrate.
The empire crumbled when the ruler's indiscretions came to light.
To break into crumbs.
We crumbled some bread into the water.
To mix (ingredients such as flour and butter) in such a way as to form crumbs.
Using your fingers, crumble the ingredients with the fingertips, lifting in an upward motion, until the mixture is sandy and resembles large breadcrumbs.
The ceiling began to crumble.
The book's ancient pages were so brittle, he feared they would crumble before he finished.
The barrier that separated the Arabs from the conquered nations begins to crumble away.
The walls around the bailey began to crumble.
Towards the northern end of Malabar hill lie the Parsee Towers of Silence, where the Parsecs expose their dead till the flesh is devoured by vultures, and then cast the bones into a well where they crumble into dust.
Early one morning, we are told, in the fourth month, he got up, and with his hands behind his back, dragging his staff, he moved about his door, crooning over " The great mountain must crumble, The strong beam must break, The wise man must wither away like a plant."
Great care is necessary to prevent the heaps from becoming too hot, in which case the clay becomes baked into hard lumps of brick-like material which cannot be broken up. With careful management, however, the clay dries and bakes, becoming slowly converted into lumps which readily crumble into a fine powder, in which state it is spread over and worked into the land at the rate of 40 loads per acre.
The clay should be only slightly burnt, so as to make it crumble down readily; in fact, the fire should not be allowed to break through, but should be constantly repressed by the addition of material.
Remove a couple of heaped dessertspoons of this crumble mix and set to one side.
If I am having a really hard day and the timing is right, I go to the local farmers market and treat my doggies to my Apple Crumble with a little twist.
Keep the sugar in the oven for 30 minutes, then take it out and crumble up any clumps.
Be careful not to burn the crumble topping.
The spots may turn dry and brittle and crumble away, leaving holes in the maple leaves.
Without trust, the structure will eventually crumble.
While the investment in this bag may be on the high side, it should be noted that genuine leather, well-made, will not crack or crumble.
Shortly after Maci gives birth to baby Bentley her life begins to crumble around her.
This strength causes mere mortals to crumble when faced with their own imperfections.
I always thought they had a pretty solid marriage, especially with Claire, but she's acting as crazy as a teenager and just watching her marriage crumble.
The empire certainly was wealthy and of enormous extent, for there were successively added to it the rich kingdoms of Bijapur and Golconda, but it was internally decaying and ready to crumble away before the first vigorous assault.
For garden purposes loam should be rather unctuous or soapy to the touch when moderately dry, not too clinging nor adhesive, and should readily crumble when a compressed handful is thrown on the ground.
Under the " Iron Tsar " the outward semblance of authority was perfectly maintained; but behind this imposing façade the whole structure of the Russian administrative system continued to rot and crumble.
When the world began to crumble, she returned to find the house in ruins and the body of her dead daughter in the arms of her father-in-law.
Try making them a bit more exciting by serving them with crispy bacon, crispy cheese crumbs or sweet chestnut crumble.
There's bramble jelly to be made and bramble jelly to be made and bramble and apple crumble to put in the freezer.
Try making them a bit more exciting by serving them with crispy bacon, crispy bacon, crispy cheese crumbs or sweet chestnut crumble.
And, for pudding - plump for fruity baked crumble, surrounded by a moat of hot creamy custard.
One reason the old empires did crumble was the changing balance of forces in world imperialism.
Recipes Nigel Slater autumn special Exclusive to OFM, delicious spicy ribs, baked mushrooms, juicy plum crumble.
The home-made puddings (all at £ 5) included Bramley apple and rhubarb crumble and figgy sponge pudding.
When a mysterious videotape appears with intimate images of their personal lives, things begin to crumble.
This tip offers an apple crumble recipe with a twist - additional berries and citrus.
Soak the apples and blueberries (and cranberries) in the above mixture for about 45 minutes or for as long as it takes you to make the crumble top.
Size, shape, and depth of the marks vary, and affected nails may thicken, yellow, or crumble.
With origami roses, you can make them any color you wish and as an inherent bonus, they won't ever wilt, dry out, or crumble.
Just like a building needs to be built on a solid foundation or it will crumble and fall, so does a marriage.
The old tombstone was beginning to crumble, but it looked like as good a site as any to set up.
Clay that's mishandled may crumble or break.
When dry they crumble into small pieces which can be readily mixed with the soil by ploughing.
Under the " Iron Tsar " the outward semblance of authority was perfectly maintained; but behind this imposing façade the whole structure of the Russian administrative system continued to rot and crumble.
Female adults were more likely to choose salad, filled roll and fruit; males chips, shepherds pie, pasty and apple crumble.
I smell something fishy, and I 'm not talking about the contents of Baldrick 's apple crumble.
Moving away from the traditional crumble, try making a spiced rhubarb chutney or rhubarb cordial by boiling the rhubarb with sugar and straining.
Drugstore brands tend to crumble, fade and bleed.
Keep the cookie size small when spooning or shaping the cookies so they will not fall apart or crumble.
Crumble about a cup's worth of chocolate sandwich cookies, frost the cake with buttercream, and scatter the cookie crumbles over the cake.
Some recipes may have enough cohesion to stay together once rolled out, but others will persistently crumble every time you attempt to transfer the crust from the rolling pin to the top of your pie.
Toe nail fungus is not life threatening, but it may spread to your other nails and cause them to crack, break or crumble.
Once you're done working for the night, you'll feel great that you've finished but come the next day when you're faced with a challenge, you'll crumble from lack of energy to deal with it.