A person who lacks courage.
They were ashamed to be called cowards, ashamed to leave, but still they left, knowing it had to be done.
Only the defeated and deserters go to the wars, cowards that run away and enlist.
It was the cowards' way out, but right now she wasn't up to confronting him.
And what have the spineless cowards at the FA done?
Perhaps, worse are all these religious leaders moral cowards?
Only three people stayed in the gorge, why were the others such cowards?
Sontag also called air raids cowardly, but said that terrorists who were prepared to die to kill others were anything but cowards.
The Cowards are a four-man sketch troupe who write smart, funny sketches and perform them in jeans and pumps and short-sleeved shirts.
Within its shade we'll live and die, Tho cowards flinch and traitors sneer, We'll keep the red flag flying here.
It made him laugh, and he scoffed at the people and called them cowards and old women.
The Cowards are a four-man sketch troupe who write smart, funny sketch troupe who write smart, funny sketches and perform them in jeans and pumps and short-sleeved shirts.
The Cornish knights (who in Arthurian romance are always represented as hopeless cowards), dare not contest his claim but Tristan challenges him to single combat, slays him and frees Cornwall from tribute.
He called them cowards, whereas the cowardice was really his own, and he deserted them in their utmost need.