Extremely keen or desirous, especially to obtain and possess something belonging to someone else; avaricious.
Augustus was a covetous, cruel and superstitious man, but these qualities were redeemed by his political caution and his wise methods of government.
Marca, clever and covetous, was also an historian of note.
The name has been taken to mean "covetous."
As a contemporary chronicler wrote, the realm was out of all good governanceas it has been many days before the king was simple, and led by covetous councillors, and owed more than he was worth.
While Fisher Price boasts a household name, it does not exude the covetous trembling of a Tiffany rattle or a Christian Dior teether.
Even pet owners can benefit from aesthetically pleasing feeding bowls since they be chosen to emphasize and complement your décor while they also provide attractive conversation pieces for covetous neighbors.
In 1541 his kinsman Maurice became duke of Saxony, and cast covetous eyes upon the electoral dignity.
It is under the influence of Saturn, and that is the reason why usually Saturnine men are so covetous and tenacious.
He cast covetous eyes upon the archbishopric of Magdeburg and the bishopric of Halberstadt, both of which he secured for his son Frederick in 1551.
The former community was, he says, sorely oppressed by the covetous Cistercians.
Indifference and satiety spread speedily; the bourgeoisie forsook the reformers directly they had recourse to violence (February 1358), and the Parisians became hostile when Etienne Marcel complicated his revolutionary work by intrigues with Navarre, releasing from prison the grandson of Louis X., the Headstrong, an ambitious, fine-spoken courter of popularity, covetous of the royal crown.
The miners were an energetic, covetous, wandering, abnormally excitable body of men.
In the same year Bey Shehr and other portions of the Hamid principality were acquired by purchase from their ruler Hussein Bey, as the Karamanian princes were beginning to cast covetous eyes on them; but the Karamanians were unwilling to resign their claims to be heirs of the Seljukian sultans, and not until the reign of Mahommed II.
Upon these lands the three great families in Germany, those of Wittelsbach, of Habsburg and of Luxemburg, were already casting covetous eyes; Carinthia, moreover, was claimed by the Habsburgs in virtue of an arrangement made in 1286.