A loose-fitting protective garment worn over other clothing.
The figure seemed to be wearing a green coverall; they could not see any head or hands.
On top of the BIG coverall prizes, they are also giving out a progressive coverall prizes, they are also giving out a progressive coverall jackpot.
Our various coverall jackpot games run throughout the week.
When shopping for coverall crumb catcher baby bibs, keep in mind a few important features.
Second, the fabric of a coverall smock is extremely important; while all-plastic varieties dry quickly between meals, fabric versions absorb spills to a certain degree.
Coverall bibs usually have sleeves instead of simply being a bib worn around the neck to protect the front of a baby's or toddler's shirt.
While some bibs market themselves as coveralls and don't have sleeves, a real coverall bib is actually a kind of smock, with long sleeves.
Coverall bibs not only keep more of the shirt front clean, but they also keep your child's sleeves from getting dirty.
For caregivers tired of rolling up sleeves at mealtimes (and still facing dirty sleeves after the meal), the coverall bib is the perfect solution.
Combining these two ingenious features, the sleeves and the pocket, coverall crumb catcher baby bibs are hands-down the best option for babies and toddlers who feed themselves.
While other bibs do a decent job for babies who are fed by an adult, coverall baby bibs keep kids' clothes cleaner than virtually any other type of bib.
While a simple cotton bib can be purchased for two to five dollars, a coverall bib can cost $15 to $25.
Plastic coverall bibs are simply rinsed after each meal, hung up on a hanger, and are dry before the next meal.
While you might hit the jackpot and discover the perfect bib at your local department store or baby supply shop, several websites offer coverall bibs and pocketed bibs.
With a wide selection of baby bibs (amidst a huge variety of baby-related products), Baby Earth offers two coverall bibs with crumb-catcher pockets.
There's not much that can't be found on and coverall, crumb-catcher bibs are no exception.
Some of these white snow pants are overall style, others are coverall, and still others will allow layering of sweatshirts and overcoats without being too bulky.
Go to Forever 21 to check out dark denim overall coverall skirts and shorty sets at an affordable base.
If you want something more unusual, you'll like the dark coverall versions that are more eclectic and unusual.
Two "coverall" options for the babies include the Newborn Pumpkin Fleece Saque and the Newborn Silly Pumpkin Coverall, either of which would keep your little one warm on a cool night out.