A breakfast cereal made from toasted flakes of maize.
Seen anyone who is on the telly buying cornflakes out of Tesco?
Then they come back to have their breakfast - Taggy loves to share Graham's toast, and Flora likes cornflakes!
The literary world may not like it, but where the City is concerned selling books is no different to selling cornflakes.
Her favorite foods are anything that is sweet, but she doesn't like soggy cornflakes or sandwiches with no crunch.
I settled for dry cornflakes, dry toast and despite dietary morals, cake.
What's more there's fewer cornflakes in bigger packets.
A selection of organic cornflakes, homemade muesli or porridge are also available.
Send off 5 packets of cornflakes and you get back a gold doubloon.
Right know she 's making these strange warbling noises to a huge empty cornflakes box that stands monolith like on the floor.
Get up, shower, eat cornflakes, go to work, school, back to bed?
Like the Community of Europe, nations tired of battling, tired of having the same cornflakes packaged in dishonestly different packaging.