A dog of a breed having a small body, short legs and fox-like features.
I have an 18-month-old Chihuahua and a year old Corgi that both seem to have lost interest in food.
All gas appliances should be tested annually by a qualified, CORGI registered gas fitter.
Gas appliances must be fitted by a CORGI registered fitter.
A landlord must issue tenants with a gas safety certificate provided by a CORGI registered gas fitter.
Marion Crawford, Queen Elizabeth's governess has told several stories about one particularly ill-tempered Corgi.
It's worth noting that The Three Doctors will be packaged with a special Corgi model of the Doctors infamous yellow roadster, Bessie!
Check with CORGI that the builders you use have a current registration certificate.
It 's worth noting that The Three Doctors will be packaged with a special Corgi model of the Doctors infamous yellow roadster, Bessie !
The Queen's finger is nipped by a royal corgi - that is news.