A small circular or oblong boat made of wickerwork and made watertight with hides or pitch, propelled and steered with a single paddle and light enough to be carried on a person's back.
I found where Ben Gunn had hidden his boat, the worst coracle ever made by man.
That man gave tasty food renowned fate to the clerics in the little coracle in which they were.
Alternatively, bring your own coracle if you have one.
Coracle-fishing is performed by two men, each seated in his coracle and with one hand holding the net while with the other he plies his paddle.
Even after the famous Iron Bridge was built locals objected to paying a toll to cross the bridge so carried on using the coracle.
I sprang to my feet and leaped, stamping the coracle under the water.
A little further along the valley you can try the art of steering a coracle on the river at the National Coracle Center.
The hide of an Ox or Horse was the traditional skin, which covered the coracle.
The hide being of ox or horse traditional of the welsh coracle and the Irish curragh.
The coracle forms a unique link between the modern life of Wales and its remote past; for this primitive type of boat was in existence amongst the Britons at the time of the invasion of Julius Caesar, who has left a description of it, and even employed it in his Spanish campaign.