A grove of small growth; a thicket of brushwood; a wood cut at certain times for fuel or other purposes, typically managed to promote growth and ensure a reliable supply of timber. See copse.
To manage (a wooded area) sustainably, as a coppice, by periodically cutting back woody plants to promote new growth.
Her plan to coppice the woods should keep her self-sufficient in fuel indefinitely.
To sprout from the stump.
Few conifer species can coppice.
The trees felled will be replaced with a coppice woodland.
Two Mile Coppice contains the last remnant of ancient woodland in the Weymouth area.
Bracken beds in sunny locations can develop a simple spring flora (including violets) that mimics that found in coppice woodland.
The currently favored crop under northern European conditions is willow grown as short rotation coppice.
Where poles are required, it is better to treat the trees as coppice and to cut the trunk level with the soil.
The young oaks have features which suggest an origin in some form of long growing coppice.
Much of the native woodland is dominated by sessile oak which was worked for coppice nearly 200 years ago.
In addition to large stands of fast-growing conifers, there is extensive sweet chestnut coppice.
An adjacent chestnut coppice worked on a 20 year rotation was unnoticed by the artist at the time of the commission.
Further along the main path, the firs give way to reveal sweet chestnut coppice.
And the idea of growing short rotation coppice of willows to burn to provide electric power is already being tried.
The adjacent woodland is a mixture of old coppice, ash and maple with semi-mature oak.
Walk to the far right corner and pass through a small coppice to meet a lane.
We have started a project using short rotation coppice willow clones.
Apple orchards are plentiful in favored situations, especially adjoining the Herefordshire border, and oak coppice abounds.
Application of landfill leachate to willow short rotation coppice.
Beware also of very large old coppice stools which may appear like a ring of younger stems!
The predominant tree is oak, many arising from coppice shoots from an earlier woodland, and there are some planted beech.
Among these is an area of hazel coppice which is part of the historic management of the site.
All vehicles replaced by hydrogen fuel cell vehicles with zero CO 2 emissions, powered by renewable, short-rotation coppice produced fuel.
He installed a heating system which is fuelled by willow coppice grown on his own farm.
The woodland is mainly hazel coppice and is home to the rare dormouse.
Some energy crops (short rotation coppice for example) can be planted on set-aside land without the set-aside payment being revoked.
One of the first things that Ragazzo noticed about the house in Coppice Row was the sweet rather sickly smell which hung over everything.
As the coppice grows it provides safe nesting sites for woodland songbirds such as willow warbler, marsh tit and blackcap.
Heaths and coppice alternate with pastures and arable land; pools and marshes are numerous, especially in the north.