Any convex body or surface.
Curved or bowed outward like the outside of a bowl or sphere or circle
(of a set in Euclidean space) arranged such that for any two points in the set, a straight line between the two points is contained within the set.
(of a polygon) having no internal angles greater than 180 degrees.
(of a real-valued function on the reals) having an epigraph which is a convex set.
The irregularity of spacing has thus the effect of a convex lens, which accelerates the marginal relatively to the central rays.
Convex spectacles were invented towards the end of the 13th century.
When kept in non-metallic vessels they take the shape of a convex meniscus.
The convex side rests upon the duchy of Coburg and is in part bounded by Bavaria, while the concave side, turned towards the north, contains portions of four other Thuringian states and Prussia between its horns, which are 46 m.
Most of the permeability-temperature curves were more or less convex towards the axis of temperature, and in all the experiments except those with annealed iron and steel wire, the permeability was greatest at the lowest temperature.
In the disk plough, which is built both as a riding and a walking plough, the essential feature is the substitution of a concavo convex disk, pivoted on the plough beam, for the mould-board and share of the ordinary plough.
It has, however, been shown that, if the magnetizing force is carried far enough, the curve always becomes convex to the axis instead of meeting it.
At other times the path is either concave or convex to the solar equator.
Some of the slightly cloudy Ceylon sapphires, usually of greyish-blue colour, display when cut with a convex face a chatoyant luminosity, sometimes forming a luminous star of six rays, whence they are called "star sapphires".
The mean curvature of these surfaces is therefore convex towards the axis.
He solved the problem of finding the point in a convex mirror at which a ray coming from one given point shall be reflected to another given point.
As the down and up strokes run into each other, and the convex surface of the wing is always directed upwards and the concave surface downwards, it follows that the upper surface of the wing evades in a great measure the upper air, while the under surface seizes the nether air.
During the up stroke of the piston the wing is very decidedly convex on its upper surface (a b c d, A A'); its under surface (e f g h, A A') being deeply concave and inclined obliquely upwards and forwards.
His aeroplanes were variously shaped, and were, as a rule, concavo-convex, the convex surface being directed upwards.
Its general form is that of a wide crescent convex towards the north, but its shores are more irregular in outline than those of the other lakes.
Surface drainage is usually effected by ploughing the land into convex ridges off which the water runs into intervening furrows and is conveyed into ditches.
In the Himalayan and Indian hunia sheep, the rams of which are specially trained for fighting, and have highly convex foreheads, the tail is short at birth.
A re-entrant branch not cutting itself may be everywhere convex, and it is then properly said to be an oval; but the term oval may be used more generally for any re-entrant branch not cutting itself; and we may thus speak of a once indented, twice indented oval, &c., or even of a cuspidate oval.
There are two non-singular kinds, the one with, the other without, an oval, but each of them has an infinite (as Newton describes it) campaniform branch; this cuts the axis at right angles, being at first concave, but ultimately convex, towards the axis, the two legs continually tending to become at right angles to the axis.
The Caribbean coast-line is concave, the Pacific deeply convex.
The postseptal coelom is partially divided by a ventral mesentery which is attached along the entire length of the convex.
A cissoid angle is the angle included between the concave sides of two intersecting curves; the convex sides include the sistroid angle.
The fracture is perfectly conchoidal, so that blows with a hammer detach flakes which have convex, slightly undulating surfaces.
On its outer or convex side the folded belt is clearly defined by a depression which is generally filled by modern deposits.
If the figure be entirely to one side of any face the polyhedron is said to be " convex, " and it is obvious that the faces enwrap the centre once; if, on the other hand, the figure is to both sides of every face it is said to be concave, " and the centre is multiply enwrapped by the faces.
Light from an extended source passes after polarization through two convex systems of lenses, between which the crystalline plate is placed, and is then received in an eyepiece furnished with an analyser.
The glenoid surface for the articulation of the mandible is greatly extended transversely, concave from side to side, convex from before backwards in front, and hollow behind, and is bounded posteriorly at its inner part by a prominent post-glenoid process.
The condyle is greatly elevated above the alveolar border; its articular surface is very wide transversely, and narrow and convex from before backwards.
The bodies of the cervical vertebrae are elongated, strongly keeled, and markedly opisthocoelous, or concave behind and convex in front.
They have their convex edge directed forwards, and their concave, or cutting edge, turned backwards.
These observations show that the outline on that portion of the light commonly seen in the morning or evening is concave instead of convex, as it would be were the cloud strictly lenticular.
Again if a small hole be made in a thin plate of metal, and a minute drop of water be inserted in it, this drop, having two convex surfaces, will serve as a still more powerful magnifier.
There is reason to believe that the magnifying power of transparent media with convex surfaces was very early known.
A convex lens of rockcrystal was found by Layard among the ruins of the palace of Nimrud; Seneca describes hollow spheres of glass filled with water as being commonly used as magnifiers.
Convex glass lenses were first generally used to assist ordinary vision as " spectacles "; and not only were spectacle-makers the first to produce glass magnifiers (or simple microscopes), but by them also the telescope and the compound microscope were first invented.
If the ordinary convex lens be employed as magnifying glass, great aberrations occur even in medium magnifications.
The Convex scratch-resistant sapphire crystal Case cut from a solid steel block magnificently designed, Unidirectional turning bezel with fluted rim, in fine-brushed or polished steel with engraved dive-time scale gives a suave look.
This Convex Grid watche by Cartier is highly modern in style and functionality.
They also feature a polished stainless steel face with convex beveled grids, luminous hands and markers, a Cabochon crown, unidirectional bezel and a calendar.
The eyepiece ab consists of two plano-convex lenses a, b, of nearly the same focal length, and with the two convex sides facing each other.
The mouth of the pitcher has a corrugated rim (peristome) formed by incurving of the margin, the convex surface of which is firm and shining.
The arches bear on the convex outer side the delicate arborescent gills, and on the concave inner side develop a membranous septum with vermicular perforations, a special sifting or filtering contrivance through which the water absorbed by the mouth has to pass before reaching the respiratory organs of the branchial apparatus.
Most of the Chrysomelidae are metallic in colour and convex in form; in some the head is concealed beneath the prothorax, and the so-called "tortoise" beetles (Cassidinae) have the elytra raised into a prominent median ridge.
On either side a variable amount of convex area is occupied by the compound eye; in many insects of acute sense and accurate flight these eyes are very large and sub-globular, almost meeting on the middle line of the head.
The delicately carved convex roof, composed of a single block, was surmounted by the tripod.
A map of Italy in the baptistery of St Peter at Rome has occasionally been described as a relief, though it is merely a rude outline map of Italy, by Carlo Fontana (1698), carved into a convex surface.
A third type of musk-ox skull is, however, known from North America, namely one from the celebrated Big-Bone Lick, Kentucky, on which the genus and species Bootherium bombifrons was established, which differs from all the others by its small size, convex forehead and rounded horn-cores, the latter being very widely separated, and arising from the sides of the skull.
The great bulk of the silver work is in the form of bowls of different sizes, in shape something like the lower half of a barrel, only more convex, of betel boxes, cups and small boxes for lime.
The sand usually forms isolated hillocks, called medanos, of a half-moon shape, having their convex sides towards the tradewind.
He also had some knowledge of the properties of concave and convex lenses and mirrors in forming images.