A horse chestnut, used in the game of conkers.
The spiny seed case splits to reveal a shiny conker.
As in the original, Conker gets inebriated, gets lost and ends up hanging out some weird places with some odd characters.
The game starts with our hero, Conker the squirrel, binge drinking with his buddies at the bar.
Conker competition Saturday 14 th October 2.30pm at the grounds of Goldington Church, Bedford conker competition Saturday 14 th October 2.30pm at the grounds of Goldington Church, Bedford Conkers will be provided along with refreshments and stalls.
Other than the Donkey Kong series and Killer Instinct, Rare created Blast Corps, Diddy Kong Racing, Banjo-Kazooie, Jet Force Gemini, It's Mr. Pants, Perfect Dark, Star Fox Adventures and the highly-acclaimed Conker's Bad Fur Day.
I would try and pick which one to battle with depending on my opponents conker.
Players take turns at hitting their opponent's conker.
He found a dirty handkerchief, a conker on a piece of string and a rusty old penknife.
Conker originally starred in Conker's Bad Hair Day for the Nintendo 64 (N64) in 2001.
Whether you play alone or in a multi-player game, Conker is initially an action platform game, with a lot of shooting.
Once you are most of the way through the game, the mechanic changes and Conker turns into a third-person shooter.
Through a series of events, Conker meets a slew of memorable characters; the most infamous is the operatic Mightypoo.
If you did play the original, you already know just how much you enjoy watching Conker overcome these "adult" situations and are well equipped to decide for yourself if it's worth owning an updated copy.