A plant belonging to the order Coniferales; a cone-bearing seed plant with vascular tissue, usually a tree.
A mixed forest of deciduous and conifer trees formed a dense covering of mottled greens.
No conifer grows in Denmark except under careful cultivation, which, however, is largely practised in Jutland.
Broadly conical conifer with dark green leaves which are silver underneath.
The large medullary rays give to the wood a characteristic parenchymatous or lax appearance, which is in marked contrast to the more compact wood of a conifer.
The first species of the genus, Nematophycus Logani, was discovered by Dawson in 1856 in the Lower and Middle Devonian of Canada, and was described by him as a Conifer under the name of Prototaxites.
The Dawn Redwood is a strong growing vigorous deciduous conifer whose leaves are a lovely dawn pink in the spring.
Take the open path around the Conifer Lawn and nestling along the hornbeam hedge are a number of different Daphnes.
An end to mass conifer forestation on traditional hill farms.
The small birds like open ground for nesting sites and often nest in recently felled conifer plantations where there has been new planting.
Later the whole area was turned into a conifer plantation.
Tree felling, conifer planting, inappropriate grazing lack of or too little grazing.
To restore the writing surface, the abraded area is brushed with powdered sandarac, a resin from a North African conifer.
One conifer tastes of fruit cake another has the fresh citrus tang of oranges.
Cryptomeria japonica ' Tilford cream ' A dark green conifer clothed with rich cream variegation, slightly bronzed in winter.
Then the way moves into denser conifer woodland before emerging into an open pasture, with oak woodland away to your left.
The conifer forests are largely of Sitka and Norway spruce with some lodgepole pine.
Most of the current subalpine conifer forests are naturally regenerated second-growth forests.
Knowing where to buy Christmas trees can help holiday revelers find the perfect tree for their seasonal celebrations instead of settling for any conifer they can find.
The glaucous form is a handsome tree, more rapid in growth than any other silvery conifer.
This genus has long been known as a common and widely spread Jurassic and Cretaceous conifer, but owing to the absence of petrified specimens and of well-preserved cones, it has been impossible to refer it to a definite position in the Coniferales.
Other seams are full of the twigs and cones of Athrotaxis, a Conifer now confined to Tasmania.
A wellknown fossil conifer from Triassic strata - Voltzia heterophylly - also illustrates a marked dissimilarity in the leaves of the same shoot.
The primary vascular bundles in a young conifer stem are collateral, and, like those of a Dicotyledon, they are arranged in a circle round a central pith and enclosed by a common endodermis.
A magnificent conifer, the A tlantic pinsapo (Abies Pinsapo), is found on the heights round Bougie.