In a confusing manner
Confusingly, if you click on one, it sends you to a different site.
Anti-aging skin care products are, indeed, numerous - almost confusingly so.
The muscular layers by which the body-wall is constituted have been very differently and to some extent confusingly described by the successive authors on Nemertean anatomy.
Joseph, Vanessa, and Alice decided to try and improve the flow of room by creating three separate seating areas (confusingly enough).
Kombucha mushrooms are, somewhat confusingly, both the basis for the tea and what forms on the surface after the tea has been fermented.
Hydrolyze, which also, confusingly, goes by the name Hydroleyes, claims to be the most effective treatment against dark circles found in a bottle.
Even in Clarke's system, where Indeterminism is no doubt a cardinal notion, its importance is metaphysical It may be observed that in the view of Kant and others (2) and (3) are somewhat confusingly blended.