Something used to enhance the flavor of food; for example, salt or pepper.
To season with condiments.
To pickle.
But put an extra condiment into your dish, and it will poison you.
Enhance the flavor of your meal by adding a condiment.
It is used for cooking, baking and as a condiment.
As you can see, there are many different ways to use your organic blackberry fruit spreads other than the traditional breakfast condiment.
Cinnamon is principally employed in cookery as a condiment and flavouring material, being largely used in the preparation of some kinds of chocolate and liqueurs.
The food of the people consists as a rule of boiled rice with salted fresh or dried fish, salt, sessamum-oil, chillies, onions, turmeric, boiled vegetables, and occasionally meat of some sort from elephant flesh down to smaller animals, fowls and almost everything except snakes, by way of condiment.
The depot for it is Kandahar, whence it finds its - way to India, where it is much used as a condiment.
There is also a woeful lack of appropriate condiment.
Try making your own piri-piri sauce - Simon Rimmer provides his recipe for this fiery condiment.
Offered are different sorts of tips than on other pages including condiment suggestions and serving sizes of various food items.
Laristan is famous for the condiment called mahiabeh (fish-jelly), a compound of pounded small sprat-like fish, salt, mustard, nutmeg, cloves and other spices, used as a relish with nearly all foods.
Below is a selection of dishes using this wonderful condiment.
They are perfect as a condiment with their robust taste.
Sweet green tomato relish is a great condiment for hamburgers and hot dogs.
Chutney, a sweet and spicy preserve, may be used as a condiment, and homemade pickles are likely to be included.
Arundinaria (Bambusa Palmata) - A beautiful species, about 5 feet high, conspicuous from the size of its leaves, which are often used by Japanese peasants to wrap up the bit of salt fish or other condiment which they eat with their rice.
What gourmet picnic would be complete without a cold condiment salad?
Wilton has an easy recipe for whipped ganache that yields a light, fluffy condiment for desserts.
The economic importance of salt is further indicated by the almost universal prevalence in ancient and medieval times, and indeed in most countries down to the present day, of salt taxes or of government monopolies, which have not often been directed, as they were in ancient Rome, to enable every one to procure so necessary a condiment at a moderate price.
Best uses are as a salad dressing, light sautéing and as a condiment.
Try combining a paste of chilies, garlic, salt and olive oil to make harissa,which is used as a seasoning for meat or as a condiment.
We try and create an alternative that's healthy, like we made a different type of condiment for the tartar sauce lady for example.
It is essentially a food cheese rather than a mere condiment, and 1 lb of it will furnish as much nourishing material as 24 lb cf the best beefsteak.