In a concurrent manner; at the same time
The cult of Hygieia then spread concurrently with that of Asclepius, and was introduced at Rome from Epidaurus in 293, by which time she may have been admitted (which was not the case before) into the Epidaurian family of the god.
Concurrently, there was a speculative or philosophical interest; and some prefer to defend Trinitarianism as a reconciliation of the personality with the infinity of God.
Meanwhile in the Transvaal, concurrently with the change of prime minister and high commissioner, the administrator, Colonel Lanyon, began vigorously to enforce taxation among the Boers.
The Son beholds the Father at work, and works concurrently, doing nothing of Himself.
Concurrently with the repair of the canal, the navigation works on the Thames were remodelled at a large cost, and barges drawing 3 ft.
Distally it thins away concurrently with the body.
First there is the office or cabinet of the prefect for the general police (la police gnrale), with bureaus for various objects, such as the safety of the president of the republic, the regulation and order of public ceremonies, theatres, amusements and entertainments, &c.; secondly, the judicial police (la police judiciaire), with numerous bureaus also, in constant communication with the courts of judicature; thirdly, the administrative police (la police administrative) including bureaus, which superintend navigation, public carriages, animals, public health, &c. Concurrently with these divisions there is the municipal police, which comprises all the agents in enforcing police regulations in the streets or public thoroughfares, acting under the orders of a chief (chef de la police municipale) with a central bureau.
The annual show of the Royal Commission on Horse Breeding is held in London jointly and concurrently with that of the Hunters' Improvement Society.
Concurrently with these undertakings, he steadily prepared to strengthen his position in the political life of France; and it will be well to notice the steps by which he ensured the defeat of the royalists in France and the propping up of the directorial system in the coup d'etat of Fructidor 1797.
Concurrently with this activity in higher branches, the school board provided a large number of handsome buildings in healthy surroundings.
The metal to be refined passing into solution is concurrently deposited at the cathode.
Concurrently with this change, the tropical and extinct forms disappeared, and the flora approached more and more nearly to that now existing in the districts where the fossil plants are found, though in the older deposits, at any rate, the geographical distribution still differed considerably from that now met with.
A more complete remedy was introduced by the Judicature Act 1873, which consolidated the courts of law and equity, and ordered that law and equity should be administered concurrently according to the rules contained in the 26th section of the act.
Concurrently with this volume appeared Lesson's Traite d'ornithologie, which is dated 1831, and may perhaps be here most conveniently mentioned.
The measure of the area of a rectangle is thus presented as the product of the measures of the sides, and arithmetic and mensuration are developed concurrently.
Concurrently with the growth of this unrest Rudolph had become increasingly subject to attacks of depression and eccentricity, which were so serious as to amount almost to insanity.
His mission is described as running on for a while concurrently with that of our Lord, whereas in the other Gospels we have no record of our Lord's work until John is cast into prison.
Or again, within the latter in his admission of a duality of thought and " the given " in knowledge, which within knowledge was apparently irreducible, concurrently with hints as to the possibility, upon a wider view, of the sublation of their disparateness at least hypothetically and speculatively.
The Astrakhan disease may have been imported from Resht or Baku, or may have been caused concurrently with the epidemics of these places by some cause affecting the basin of the Caspian generally.
From of old, in China, circles were divided into 3654 parts, so that the sun described daily one Chinese degree; and the equator began to be employed as a line of reference, concurrently with the ecliptic, probably in the second century B.C. Both circles, too, were marked by star-groups more or less clearly designated and defined.
C. Ranyard a theory of coronal types, changing concurrently with the fluctuations of spot-activity.
Hence consumption of food rich in saturated fatty acids would raise cholesterol levels concurrently.
Basically it is standard crossfire with the players going for it concurrently.
During the review conferences, at least two Main Committees often meet concurrently, which stretches the smaller, usually non-aligned delegations.
Of course I was taping the Dylan documentary that was concurrently on BBC2.
For example, you ca n't litigate in court and concurrently arbitrate.
We show that information structure in English can only be analyzed concurrently with prosodic prominence and phrasing.
Concurrently fraudulent imitation has regrettably increased.
If multiple threads access a format concurrently, it must be synchronized externally.
There will be a two year transition period where both schemes will run concurrently.
Oral typhoid may be given concurrently with yellow fever or HNIG.
Preventative treatment with one of the uricosuric agents listed below should be given concurrently with the Cambridge Diet from the day of commencement.
Studies show it helps with generalized anxiety disorder, often found concurrently with panic attacks.
This side effect is the reason why many people choose to use Clonazepam concurrently with certain drugs illegally, although they risk their lives when doing so.
Patients who experience OHS and OSA concurrently are at a greater risk for heart damage.
For children suffering malnutrition due to an illness or underlying disorder, the condition should be treated concurrently.
If a child has exhibited a serious hypersensitivity to a previous rabies vaccine, antihistamines may be used concurrently.
Keep in mind that Bath and Body Works typically has several valid coupon offers running concurrently.
In addition to the main festival competition, numerous related events (called "sidebars") have sprung up to run concurrently.
Remember, try and be as creative and anti-everything as possible while concurrently remaining categorically punk.
The last two she played concurrently during the filming of True Blood's second season.
Age also effects rates for this type of insurance policy, because as a person ages their monthly rates are going to rise concurrently.
TriCare for Life is a TriCare medical insurance option for eligible members who are concurrently eligible for Medicare coverage.
They will be filmed concurrently in the style of the hugely successfully Lord of the Rings movie trilogy.
Concurrently with the claim of Mahommed Ahmed to be the mandi the same title was claimed by, or for, the head of the Senussites, a confraternity powerful in many regions of North Africa.
He devoted himself to ascetic practices, confined himself to the society of churchmen, and resigned the chancellorship in spite of a papal dispensation (procured by the king) which authorized him to hold that office concurrently with the primacy.
Concurrently with the efforts made to reorganize their native policy the colony also endeavoured to deal with the Asiatic question.
Concurrently with this war another was fought in Venetia between the Italians and the Austrian army of the South, for which see Italian Wars (1848-1870).
It is noteworthy that concurrently with the rise of clinical study the works of Hippocrates were more and more valued, while Galen began to sink into the background.
In 1834 this was purchased by Buloz, and brought out concurrently with his other Revue.