The state of being competitive.
In fact, popular children tend to have characteristics associated with both competitiveness and friendliness.
From basic to elite, all dancers need to be continually challenged, and there is no better way to stretch oneself than to get into the spirit of competitiveness.
When job forecast agencies come out with annual "most stressful" lists, they're usually considering factors like work environment, competitiveness and overall risk.
Younger fans enjoy the involved competitiveness that comes with participation.
Teenagers who model are more likely to develop self-esteem issues because of the competitiveness that comes along with modeling.
Beginning with the 2006-2007 academic year, students can also receive Academic Competitiveness Grants or National SMART Grants if they meet the necessary eligibility criteria.
An Academic Competitiveness Grant for college can provide up to $750 for the first year of your undergraduate coursework or up to $1,300 for your second year of study.
Like the Academic Competitiveness Grants, this program is new for the 2006-2007 school year.
This provides a level of friendly social competitiveness that just isn't possible with online games.
Competitiveness or dominance by itself is not necessarily indicative of low peer acceptance.
In these cultures, cooperation is considered a more important value than competitiveness, which will necessarily affect personality development.
Girls younger than six years of age who have aggressive styles toward their peers do not tend to continue being aggressive when they are older, and their earlier aggression does not correlate with adult competitiveness.
She claimed to feel a sense of competitiveness with fellow cast member and star OC real estate agent Keough and promised that she would soon outsell her.
The day will offer a uniquely broad commercially-oriented perspective on the potential for enhancing business effectiveness and competitiveness through the use of HLT.
Furthermore, the recommendation by ORR to halve track access charges should prove a vital counterbalance to improvements in road haulage competitiveness.
Rejecting historicism it had a desire to enhance the competitiveness of German products, many of its patrons had English contacts.
Also, the very nature of the competitiveness in our society creates a dislike of failure.
The stated rationale is to widen access, reduce brain drain, bolster research capabilities and maximize the competitiveness of the sector.
Salary trends attracting the right caliber of staff is often affected by the competitiveness of the package you offer.
The Commission has tabled proposals to refocus strongly on growth, jobs, the knowledge-based economy and sustainable development to strengthen European competitiveness.
The Conference will bring together high-level speakers and thinkers to address the relationship between CSR and sectoral and national competitiveness.