(of a payment) Intended to recompense someone who has experienced loss, suffering, or injury.
Binge-eaters do not purge in the same ways as bulimics, nor do they usually engage in excessive exercise or other compensatory behaviours.
Now as our own bodies thus manipulate substances poisonous and antidotal, if in every hour of health we are averting selfintoxication, so likewise are we concerned with the various intruding organisms, whose processes of digestion are as dangerous as our own; if these destructive agents, which no doubt are incessantly gaining admission to our bodies, do not meet within us each its appropriate compensatory defensive agent, dissolution will begin.
Chandler ascertained in 1888 the compensatory nature of these disturbances; 3 and he afterwards found the most important among several which probably conspire to produce the observed effects, to be comprised in a period of 15,000 light-cycles, equivalent to 118 years.
Abstraction proves to be synthesis with compensatory universal marks in the place of the particular marks abstracted from.
Retaliation for murder and other injuries was a common method of redress, although the church had endeavoured to introduce various reforms. Hence we find in the Brehon Laws a highly complicated system of compensatory payment; but there was no authority except public opinion to enforce the payment of the fines determined by the brehon in cases submitted to him.
Research should be carried out on the effects of NRT during temporary abstinence on compensatory smoking.
In my opinion, these compensatory measures come to form part of the disabled person's bodily integrity.
Bulimia nervosa-An eating disorder characterized by binge eating and inappropriate compensatory behavior, such as vomiting, misusing laxatives, or excessive exercise.
Many educators of the deaf now urge early compensatory programs in signed languages, because the deaf child shows no handicap in learning a visually based language.
Strategies may include modifications in the home, adaptive utensils and dressing aids, compensatory movements and positioning, wheelchair accessories, or communication aids.
This is known as compensatory hypertrophy.