A communist.
The fed's facility had been armed as well as the hospital, and one of his commo guys intercepted the call for help only an hour before.
You know tonight I had to prevent the VP's commo guy from using the emergency network to order gin?
The commo room where he sat was large with marble walls and leather chairs, a sign of the upper class's decadence.
Soon thereafter, Decatur and Enterprize participated in hot shore bombardment and gunboat actions, ably led by Commo.
As he spoke, he strode from the commo room to the ledge outside.
She all but dropped into the commo sector chair and issued mayday calls on the emergency net.
Nope. Just told the commo guy he wouldn't ever see the light of day again if he touched the commo pad.
Lana moved away from the commo computer and started systems checks on the others.