A stuffed or quilted coverlet for a bed; a comforter.
Providing physical comfort and ease; agreeable.
This is the most comfortable bed I've ever slept in.
In a state of comfort and content.
What a great guestroom! I'll be quite comfortable here.
Comforting, providing comfort; consolatory.
Amply sufficient, satisfactory.
A comfortable income should suffice to consider oneself rich.
Strong; vigorous; valiant.
Serviceable; helpful.
She'd always felt comfortable around him.
I made myself comfortable on the sofa, my arm around Betsy, as we all waited for him to continue.
I hope you find this trip a little more comfortable than the last.
I'd think that would make you even more comfortable with the idea.
The old man and child were playing checkers in the comfortable den when a housekeeper called them to dinner.
She'd start feeling more comfortable with the room.
It's comfortable and quick.
I settled in my most comfortable chair and was ready for a long conversation.
With a baby on the way, Quinn's and Martha's top priority was a locality where they could raise a family in a large and comfortable home.
Maybe sometime she'll feel comfortable with having a hired hand around - or maybe she'll get married again.
The room felt comfortable and the children were asleep.
Wherever Bordeaux was, he was probably more comfortable than the rest of them.
Maybe he felt more comfortable thinking of it that way.
She brightened at the sight of the comfortable seating.
Now, here with her, he had finally felt comfortable enough to release his emotions.
Then, being very comfortable, he began to grow stronger.
Wherever she is, I'd be more comfortable if she were in police hands.
No. I won't tell him anything I'm not comfortable with you hearing.
I feel so comfortable! answered Natasha, almost perplexed by her feelings.
Finally she felt comfortable about her wages.
Dean was feeling more comfortable that Cynthia just needed time to get her priorities in line.
At that moment his home life, jokes with Petya, talks with Sonya, duets with Natasha, piquet with his father, and even his comfortable bed in the house on the Povarskaya rose before him with such vividness, clearness, and charm that it seemed as if it were all a lost and unappreciated bliss, long past.
Thanks, I know we can count on you, Katie, but I think she'll be more comfortable staying at our house.
It was simple and comfortable.
Choose whichever of those you are comfortable with, but let me illustrate with a single example.
You would be more comfortable somewhere in a house... in ours, for instance... the family are leaving.
Known for their signature crab cakes to juicy burgers, this restaurant is perfect for a comfortable dinner with the kids.
But I'm glad you seem more comfortable about running for office.
There was a chill, but once Dean began warming his muscles he felt comfortable in this familiar posture.
In the darkness, he was comfortable.
I'll be comfortable there.
It 's modern, clean and very comfortable, but absolutely tiny.
The cafe offers a comfortable atmosphere and outdoor seating when the weather is fitting.
Cottages are cozy, comfortable, and affordable, sleeping up to eight people.
What felt comfortable only moments ago now seemed bold and foolish.
Comfortable against Damian, she drifted into a restful doze until he shifted.
They are way too comfortable in the mortal world right now.
Comfortable as the position was, it was hard to relax.
Though he did live in a tent, he liked to think he lived as comfortable as possible.
You have a comfortable life.
In their dormitory we found chocolate, sausages, tins of sardines, and very comfortable beds, whilst the other prisoners were starving.
The atmosphere is casual and friendly with comfortable booths.
The bar's atmosphere is warm and comfortable, with rich wooden furniture and bar.
She settled beside him again, comfortable in bed with him.
He'll probably be pissed at me, so don't get comfortable, Dan said, waving her in.
The suite was small and comfortable with a small living area, utility area with lockers, and a door leading to a bedroom with its own bathroom.
While not strictly a meat-and-potatoes guy, he felt more comfortable with a meal he could recognize, like the weekday special at Uncle Sally's Galley, not something tiny and exotic, wrapped in dainty strands of imported grass.
The two laughed and chattered like lifelong friends, perfectly comfortable in each other's company.
I feel so comfortable with you—you let me forget.
There was a cool comfortable sundress and sandals waiting for her in the other room.