Oilseed rape (Brassica napus), cultivated for its seeds, which yield an oil, valued for illuminating and lubricating purposes.
A certain amount of linseed-oil is made in Lombardy, Sicily, Apulia and Calabria; colza in Piedmont, Lombardy, Venetia and Emilia; and castor-oil in Venetia and Sicily.
There is a "summer" variety of colza which is sown in April and ripens its seed in the same year.
The wild form Brassica campestris, the wild coleseed, colza or kohlsaat, of the fields of England and many parts of Europe, is sometimes cultivated on the European continent for its seed, which, however, is inferior in value to rape as an oil-yielding product.
Tobacco, hemp, hops, colza and chicory form special cultures.
Under the general name "rape oil" is included the produce of several plants having distinct and fairly constant characters, and one of these oils - colza (q.v.) - is a very wellknown commercial variety.
Other crops are potatoes, colza, hemp and flax.
The industries of Caen include timber-sawing, metal-founding and machine-construction, cloth-weaving, lace-making, the manufacture of leather and gloves, and of oil from the colza grown in the district, furniture and other wooden goods and chemical products.
The chief cereal cultivated is wheat; oats, colza, flax and beetroot are also grown.