In a coarse manner
Rice is hulled and grain coarsely ground in stone querns or by water pestles.
Coarsely chop the tomatoes, into maybe ten or twelve chunks each.
The basal half is dull white, oval in section and coarsely fibrous, the middle part smooth, shining and round, and the tip black.
When almost set, add coarsely grated cheddar or other firm cheese.
Coarsely grate the zucchini and carrots; drain.
Add 1 coarsely grated apple, 1 tbsp raisins and 2 tsp maple syrup and serve.
Usually rose quartz is coarsely crystalline (meaning the crystals are quite large ).
Using the foil to hold the butter, coarsely grate it into the mix.
The leaves are oval and have a rounded or triangular base with regular coarsely toothed margins.
In the middle of the square pastry put some of the coarsely chopped walnuts.
Coarsely grate (or use a zester) the zest of one orange, place in a small bowl.
Stir in the diced green beans and coarsely chopped parsley, then season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper.
The rugs are coarsely woven with high-quality wool.
This means that both fine and coarsely ground flours can be created from a single mill.
It stands 4 to 6 feet high, with long narrow leaves which are coarsely toothed and white with cottony down while young.
Of spreading habit, the leaves are large, thick, and rounded, coarsely toothed, and finely tinted with scarlet and ruddy-purple on fading, and its large fruits are brilliant in their early stages.
Large sheets of muscovite, such as are of commercial value, are found only in the very coarsely crystallized pegmatite veins traversing granite, gneiss or micaschist.
It consists in wet-stamping coarsely crushed ore, settling the sands and slimes produced, and grinding and amalgamating them in steam-heated iron pans with or without the use of chemicals (salt and copper sulphate).
The wall consists of a basis of cellulose, and in some cases readily breaks up into a definite number of plates, fitting into one another like the plates of the carapace of a tortoise; it is, moreover, often finely sculptured or coarsely ridged and flanged.
It is, in common with others, a hollow process into which run two pairs of broad, coarsely transversely striated muscles.
Coarsely grained galena is used for glazing pottery, and is then known as "potters' ore" or alquifoux.
Yellow and red ochre mixed with grease are coarsely smeared over the bodies, grey in coarse patterns and white in fine patterns resembling tattoo marks.
A third method consists in placing the specimen within bibulous paper, and enclosing the whole between two plates of coarsely perforated zinc supported in a wooden frame.
An excellent packing material for dormant buds is coarsely crushed woodcharcoal to which has been added a sprinkling of flowers of sulphur.
Near Gouverneur, St Lawrence county, is a large quarry of coarsely crystalline magnesian limestone, used as monumental marble.
The face is oval, with low forehead, high cheek-bones, long eyes sloping outward towards the temples, fleshy lips, nose wide and in some cases flattish but in others aquiline, coarsely moulded features, with a stolid and gloomy expression.