A clumsy person.
Awkward, lacking coordination, not graceful, not dextrous.
He's very clumsy. I wouldn't trust him with carrying the dishes.
Not elegant or well-planned, lacking tact or subtlety.
It is a clumsy solution, but it might work for now.
Awkward or inefficient in use or construction, difficult to handle or manage especially because of shape.
Her accent was still there, but the clumsy speech pattern was gone.
Actually, the idea was appealing – in spite of his clumsy invitation.
The boys are clumsy.
The red granite school of Assuan comes lower, the work being usually clumsy and with unfinished corners and details.
In her clumsy attempt to catch it, she teetered for a moment before regaining her balance.
Jenn tucked her knife and gun away and replaced the necklace around her neck with clumsy hands.
Logs and clumsy floats of bark and grass enabled them to cross water under favourable circumstances.
I admit that I was clumsy with the controls at first, but I got used to it.
She might as well have been dropped out of the sky by a clumsy stork.
But sometimes, he smiles towards me, and he acts sort of clumsy around me.
Children, especially young children, can be a little clumsy and may accidentally trip over the dog or step on him without meaning for it to happen.
The thick accent and clumsy wording suddenly annoyed Carmen.
It even looks clumsy, don't you agree?
While some people had no trouble using them, many people found them clumsy.
Walker, the superintendent of the census, who administered it, as "clumsy, antiquated and barbarous."
It was thus an effective compromise between the solar year and the lunar month, and contrasts very favorably with the intricate and clumsy years of other ancient systems. The leap-year of the Julian and Gregorian calendars confers the immense benefit of a fixed correspondence to the seasons which the Egyptian year did not possess, but the uniform length of the Egyptian months is enviable even now.
Don't be concerned if you're a little clumsy.
Why should an all-powerful god pick such a crude and clumsy way of passing on His salvific message?
Clumsy Crooks - Browse photos and learn more about the crimes the celebs have been charged with.
People with this disorder are often called clumsy.
His attempts at braiding her dark hair the way she liked it had ended up in a series of knots, because he didn't quite understand how to do it and his man-sized fingers were too clumsy.
In Babylonia, in place of the basrelief we have the figure in the round, the earliest examples being the statues from Tello which are realistic but somewhat clumsy.
Since about 1800 this industry had been confined to the north-west of Bohemia, and it survived just till 1900, when it was entirely abandoned - not because its product had become any less necessary, but, quite on the contrary, because the enormously increasing demand for fuming sulphuric acid, arising through the discovery of artificial alizarine and other coal-tar colours, could not possibly be supplied by the clumsy Bohemian process.
These committees, while reducing the ministers to impotence, were themselves clumsy and ineffectual.
When bent on a dangerous expedition, the men will seek help from this clumsy creature, but in what way his opinions are made known is nowhere recorded."
His proofs are generally long and clumsy; this is accounted for in some measure by the absence of symbols and technical terms. Apollonius was ignorant of the directrix of a conic, and although he incidentally discovered the focus of an ellipse and hyperbola, he does not mention the focus of a parabola.
It wasn't like Alex to be so clumsy - or forward.
He was clumsy at expressing verbal emotion and physical emotion was beyond him, but his eyes.
Her clumsy hand missed it, and she stared at the black sand as it fell towards the bottom of the glass.
She batted at him with clumsy arms, at last landing a punch in
The word clumsy has a pejorative meaning.
The story telling is clumsy, with the extremely short chapters making the book seem extremely bitty.
Using sets The techniques used to grow the arrays in the code shown above are rather clumsy to say the least.
Eve was in a happy - if not slightly clumsy mood.
To make matters worse, it's all dealt with in an extremely clumsy fashion within the film.
A particularly clumsy timbered truss was used to support the outshut.
That said, the film's simplistic narrative, and sometimes clumsy dialog doesn't give her much to work with.
And wielding the right-hand bit around as a mouse just seems plain clumsy.
I feel clumsy, insufficiently prepared, a little unworthy perhaps.
Even at the level of letter identification, the layer model become clumsy.
When they don't we tend to go round their house and get clumsy.
They were slipping and looked rather dazed and clumsy.
After a little clumsy verbal foreplay, he asked to kiss me.
Or you longed to be a brave heroine, but people laughed at you because you were a clumsy, dreamy girl?
Any such endeavor would seem clumsy and, as in this case, frankly incredible.
I desperately race around the classroom, arms flailing in clumsy attempts to grasp at adolescent screeches and high-pitched howls of derisive laughter.
Would you like to make the buttons bigger you clumsy oaf.
In this area there is also a large splotch of black glaze -- a clumsy mistake on an otherwise attractive vessel.
And the characters look and speak in a slightly stilted, clumsy way.
Other terrestrial marsupials are the wombat (Phascolomys), a large, clumsy, burrowing animal, not unlike a pig, which attains a weight of from 60 to 100 lb; the bandicoot (Perameles), a rat-like creature whose depredations annoy the agriculturist; the native cat (Dasyurus), noted robber of the poultry yard; the Tasmanian wolf (Thylacinus), which preys on large game; and the recently discovered Notoryctes, a small animal which burrows like a mole in the desert of the interior.