A rock made from fragments of pre-existing rocks.
Made up of parts that are easily removable.
(of rock) Made from fragments of pre-existing rocks.
In Ohio the system contains much clastic rock, and in Pennsylvania little else.
Clastic sediments are less abundant and there are fewer breaks in the succession.
The Pottsville formation is chiefly clastic, and corresponds roughly to the Millstone Grit of England.
In the Mississippi Basin the larger part of the system is of limestone, though there is some clastic mateiial in both its basal and its upper parts.
Success at the TGT-2X well confirms the presence of a highly prospective section of clastic reservoirs in Block 16-1.
Here clastic rocks predominate, while limestone is more abundant in the interior, If the maximum thicknesses of all Devonian formations be added together, the total for the system is as much as 15,000 ft.; but such a thickness is not found in any one pluce.