The group of all citizens.
The roadworks produced large amounts of dust, which similarly annoyed the local citizenry.
Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor.
If governments are created to protect the life, liberty, and property of their citizenry, what all does that entail?
A grateful citizenry often honors its veterans by statues and memorials.
Or rather, as MeCCSA would prefer to enable an informed citizenry to participate fully in society.
A responsive, informed citizenry is the best weapon we have against crime.
For Jefferson, a virtuous and active citizenry was vital to the health of a republican nation.
The leftist elite obviously fears an armed citizenry, which is, of course, the sole barrier to tyranny.
Ask them about their ideas of ' global identity ' and global citizenry!
It might be that smaller authorities can pool sovereignty effectively to deliver services, while also giving rise to an engaged citizenry.
Thanks to the rapid development of communications technology we have a highly informed citizenry.
Spending about 3.5 per cent of GDP on defense does not involve the American citizenry in any great sacrifice.
This would be the case in a besieged city or a nation using the food supply to keep its citizenry in check.
In our individual countries, sets of laws are created by the citizenry and are designed to protect life, liberty, and property.
This usually comes in the form of protecting their citizenry from crime.