You'll find family-friendly entertainment in Las Vegas, also, with shows featuring such entertainers as the illusionist David Copperfield and the universally popular Cirque de Soleil.
Again, there is a magnificent glacier cirque at the valley head.
In 2004, Celebrity Cruises partnered with Cirque du Soleil to present some of the most spectacular entertainment available at sea with innovative interactive performances.
Cirque Lodge is where Lindsay Lohan completely her most recent rehab stint, where Mary-Kate Olsen lived while getting treatment for her eating disorders and where Eva Mendes is currently residing.
Hence, this exotic and bold mixture of lace ruffles and leopard combined with a plunging neckline throws the terms "daring", "sexy", and "Cirque de Soleil" into a single swimwear model.
Cirque du Soleil's performances combine acrobatics with contemporary music.
This is a huge cirque - views off to snow mounts south - all empty bar me.
Four conspicuous features of Pyrenean scenery are the absence of great lakes, such as fill the lateral valleys of the Alps; the rarity and great elevation of passes; the large number of the mountain torrents locally called gaves, which often form lofty waterfalls, surpassed in Europe only by those of Scandinavia; and the frequency with which the upper end of a valley assumes the form of a semicircle of precipitous cliffs, locally called a cirque.
Returning to practicalities I recalled Bill's problem in 1939, in gaining this beautiful little cirque, as being similar in some respects.
Easdale Tarn lies in a rock basin that was formed by a cirque glacier perched high up above the main valley of Far Easdale.
However, the actions of circus troupe Cirque du Soleil do, I feel, warrant this sidestep.
Producer Sir George Martin is making background music for the forthcoming Cirque du Soleil show by remastering unheard recordings by the band.
It was three years ago when she entered Utah's famed Cirque Lodge rehab facility for treatment of anorexia nervosa.
If the kids still have energy left, they may also enjoy a stop at the Cirque de Soleil.
If you are a gymnast, or if you have aspirations of becoming a member of Cirque du Soleil, this might be useful.
The Barranco Camp was very pleasant and open, nestling in the great cirque of rock at the head of the Great Barranco.
Lindsay, who is currently in rehab (again) at the Cirque Lodge located in Sundance Utah, is reportedly taking a leave of absence from her $900 a day program to spend some time with her estranged father.
The highest waterfall is that of Gavarnie (1515 ft.), at the head of the Gave de Pau; the Cirque de Gavarnie, in the same valley, is perhaps the most famous example of the cirque formation.
Dean pointed out the peaks that ringed them; Cirque and Teakettle Mountains, and Potosi Peak, all over 13,000 feet, and Mount Sneffles, standing tall beyond the others, stretching 14,150 feet to the sky.