Exhibiting a lively optimism; in high spirits, cheerful.
Landon's response was chipper despite his severe features.
For installation on a truck, the truck engine is used to drive the chipper hydraulic system including the fan blower and loading crane.
Keeps your shredder chipper clean and dry when left out of doors.
Martha is a 75-year-old dike, three weeks into chemotherapy but nonetheless, ' quite chipper ' .
Lunch was disregarded by both the little beans as neither fully chipper.
Luckily they don't hurt - she's running around as normal and seems pretty chipper.
She heard Toby's chipper voice as he invited the death dealer to share some cocoa with him.
Here, mom is using the hand potato chipper that I knew so well!
The HEM 700 meets the requirements of highly specialized contractors who need a powerful, heavy mobile chipper for a variety of applications.
The 65 is the smallest chipper in the range and is classed as a 6 " machine.
So I probably didn't look so chipper myself.
Betsy was in a chipper mood considering all that was going on.
Sofia exchanged a look with Linda, and the chipper woman took the hint.
Jerome appeared, overly chipper, talking up the other climbers as if he was a life-long participant in the sport, not a second day novice.
The chipper thought was fleeting.
He sensed the demon.s pain behind its attempt at a chipper tone.