The movement of a cell or an organism in response to a chemical stimulant.
In the mutual behaviour of such cells, toxins, and antitoxins, and again of microbes themselves, we may demonstrate even on the field of the microscope some of the modes of such actions, which seem to partake in great measure at any rate of a chemical quality (agglutinins, coagulins, chemotaxis).
Cells not grown in the presence of IPTG showed no chemotaxis, which was nice!
Finally the neutrophils can use chemical means to direct themselves toward toxins of interest, and this mechanism is called chemotaxis.
Bacterial chemotaxis is brought about by alterations in the direction that the motor rotates in, this in turn is controlled by phosphorylation.
Increased susceptibility to infection - due to impaired chemotaxis, and reduced hexose monophosphate activity.
Taspine did not have an effect on specific assays for macrophage chemotaxis, neutrophil activation, fibroblast proliferation, or matrix assembly.