Any savory snack, sold from a roadside stall in India, or served as a starter in an Indian restaurant
Informal conversation.
A conversation to stop an argument or settle situations.
(totum pro parte, typically with definite article) The entirety of users in a chatroom or a single member thereof.
The Chat just made a joke about my skills.
An exchange of text or voice messages in real time through a computer network, resembling a face-to-face conversation.
Any of various small Old World passerine birds in the muscicapid tribe Saxicolini or subfamily Saxicolinae that feed on insects.
Any of several small Australian honeyeaters in the genus Epthianura.
To be engaged in informal conversation.
I like to chat over a coffee with a friend.
To talk more than a few words.
I met my old friend in the street, so we chatted for a while.
To talk of; to discuss.
They chatted politics for a while.
To exchange text or voice messages in real time through a computer network, as if having a face-to-face conversation.
Do you want to chat online later?
(local use) Mining waste from lead and zinc mines.
A louse (small, parasitic insect).
She had missed their evening chats in the last two weeks.
We will also be including a forum hosted by 'The Fishing Warehouse ' where you will be able to have on-line chats.
Lots of people feel chatty on E. (These chats don't always make sense to people who aren't on E ).
That this was the case is undeniably shown by some remarks of Canon Tristram, who, in treating of the Alaudidae and Saxicolinae of Algeria (whence he had recently brought a large collection of specimens of his own making), stated (Ibis, 18 59, pp. 4 2 9-433) that he could " not help feeling convinced of the truth of the views set forth by Messrs Darwin and Wallace," adding that it was " hardly possible, I 'should think, to illustrate this theory better than by the larks and chats of North Africa."
Chats were abundant, particularly Redstart, but Black Redstart was also seen and all Stonechats seen were of the ' Siberian ' subspecies.
However, since most consumers use webcams for video chats or recording video for the Internet, you'll find that webcams produce a find quality that doesn't bog down your dial-up or broadband.
The Disney site does not have live chats.
There are also Specktra and Makeup Alley for reviews, recommendations, and chats.
You can contact customer service either by telephone or through instant messaging live chats.
You'll need outdoor furniture for the porch so you can watch the waves roll in and enjoy long leisurely chats.
It is recommended by fantasy players to review online community forums or chats and ask questions about how to play, where to get started and any information you may need.
Universal Psychic Guild offers confidential, one-on-one chats with its team of professional psychics.
These chats are usually only free for the first minute or so; after that the cost can skyrocket.
Meebo also lets users join in on group chats.
You can participate in live chats with other players, download new content for the game, and find links to other fansites of SimCity 4. - This site is designed for kids and teens, and it offers a variety of chats and discussions.
Private chats take place in a new window so you can carry on a personal conversation while still keeping an eye on the action in the main room.
However, the ads are largely from dating sites and cell phone chats, products parents may not want promoted to their teenagers.
Sites that don't offer private chats can reduce the chance of engaging in inappropriate conversations.
Usually, this means he talks with you a lot, tries to hangout, calls or chats online, and smiles a lot.
Parents have the ability to shut off any of the optional features the site offers, such as chats and image uploads.
Despite all of the pitfalls that can ruin teenage online chat rooms, there are still a lot of fun and safe chats out there.
Teen Spot - This chat site has four categories, General Chats and Hangouts, Interest Based, Location Based Chat, and Ethnicity Based Chat.
Blocking chats is easy, just use the parental controls on your family's computer and choose the option that blocks all chat room access.
Mounted on the student's computer, web cams enable live video chats between parents and children.
Online chats allow members to "talk" to one another without using the phone.
Game sites, such as Yahoo Games and Pogo, offer chats during game play.
Many relationships form from conversations through emails and online chats and develop into more meaningful connections.
Fess Parker Winery Shiraz Frontier Red, Lot No. 61 is an affordable wine that will compliment casual summer barbecues and friendly chats by the pool.
It also means that you are able to participate in text-based chats and conversations with your Skype contacts from all around the world.
People who do not unschool and are not familiar with it often imagine children running wild while the parent watches soap operas and eats chocolate, or chats on the phone.
Chat rooms let members "meet" online for real-time chats.
Video chats, personality quizzes, and a built-in computer matchmaking service can take some of the legwork out of your online dating experience.
You'll start the relationship with online chats, see if any sparks fly, and then you can decide if you want to explore the possibilities together.
Some people just enjoy talking about sex, and adult chats are great for that!
Variety. If you have time, you can have adult chats with dozens of people every week-and even multiple people at the same time.
With online chats, you don't have to plan a date or call the next day.
On regular dating sites, IM chats are usually a way for people to get to know each other.
That's not to say that adult chats don't happen on these sites - they definitely do, but that's not the main purpose of the IM's.
While many people do enjoy explicit emails and chats, others will be offended or simply annoyed.
Keep the emotional walls up while interacting via email and online chats.
Many dating websites provide this service or you can find chats that are geared toward a chosen topic.
Once you've completed your sign in, you can scan the forums, add your two cents, and meet other members for private chats or cams from the safety of your home.
Some web sites refer to message boards as "chats."
During the evening, couples are paired up at random for six to eight minute chats.
Users must be registered to view or respond to chats.
Butch-Femme is a long-running site devoted to chats among butch and femme women.
A more youthful site, they offer online profiles along with email, chats, message boards, and more.
Does the service you are considering offer things like instant messenger, videos or chats?
Subscribing will open up the full site to you, which adds the ability to initiate e-mails and participate in online chats with other singles.