A charred substance.
To burn something to charcoal.
To burn slightly or superficially so as to affect colour.
One of the several species of fishes of the genus Salvelinus.
Among other native delicacies, they give you fresh char.
The type of string literals is array of char.
Fish taken in the lakes include perch, pike, char and trout in Windermere, Ennerdale, Bassenthwaite, Derwentwater, &c., and the gwyniad or fresh-water herring in Ullswater.
A very usual size of cistern forming a convenient unit is one that will hold 20 tons of char.
A cistern well packed with 20 tons of char will hold, in addition, about io tons of syrup, and after settling, this can be pressed out by allowing second quality syrup, also heated to nearly boiling point, to enter the cistern slowly from the top, or it may be pressed out by boiling water.
After the sweets have come away, cold water is passed through the char until no trace of lime or sulphate of lime is found in it; then a large manhole at the bottom of the cistern is opened, and the washed and spent char is removed.
In most modern refineries the cisterns are so arranged that the spent char falls on to a travelling band and is conducted to an elevator which carries it up to the drying floor of the charcoal kiln.
The former perhaps produce a little better char, but the latter, working almost automatically, require less labour and attention for an equal amount of work, and on the whole have proved very satisfactory.
From the drying floor on which the spent char is heaped up it falls by gravitation into the retorts.
Below each retort, and attached to it, is a cooler formed of thin sheet-iron, which receives the hot char as it passes from the retort, and at the bottom of the cooler is an arrangement of valves which permits a certain amount of char to drop out and no more.
The reburnt and cooled char is collected and sent back to the char cisterns.
In the best-appointed refineries the whole of the work in connexion with the char is performed mechanically, with the exception of packing the filter cisterns with fresh char and emptying the spent and washed char on to the carrying bands.
Every care should be taken to burn and char the sod thoroughly without permitting the heap to blaze.
It remains here to describe char -
The few sportsmen who have visited the higher parts of the great northern rivers have found excellent trout-fishing, with pike, perch, char and grayling, the char occurring in the uppermost parts of the rivers, and the grayling below them.
The bundles from the cotyledons pursue a direct course to the stele of the main axis, and do not assume the girdle-form char acteristic of the adult plant.
Now if this state be supposed established in a frictionless fluid, the con sideration of internal friction would simply extend the char acteristics found at any spot to the neighbourhood, and there fore if the boundary were a sphere and so for a frictionless fluid an exception, it would cease to be an exception when we allow for viscosity.
The sea pierces the islands in deep fjords, or separates them by narrow inlets through which tidal currents set with great violence, at speeds up to seven or eight knots an hour; and, as communications are maintained almost wholly by boat, the natives have need of expert watermanship. There are several lakes in which trout are abundant, and char also occur; the largest is Sdrvaag Lake in Vaagd, which is close to the sea, and discharges into it by a sheer fall of about 160 ft.
It is either like unsigned char by default or like signed char by default.
Changed all API arguments that take a format string from char * to const char * for Solaris.
A genetically distinct form of the Welsh race of arctic char is also found.
The type char implies either of the two types; signed char and unsigned char.
Of the multiple stages that occur during biomass combustion, the char combustion is most relevant in alkali metal release.
The low conductivity of char will cause a steep thermal gradient across the char layer.
Our Menu is varied and ranges from enticing salads, char grilled steaks, sizzling fajitas succulent ribs and much more.
Josh went for the Reef N Beef sizzling platter of extravagantly char grilled skewered prawns atop a vast rump steak.
Char Grilled Rump of Herb Fed Beef (serves 2-4) With char grilled vegetables, new potatoes and red onion marmalade thyme jus.
Char's Fund will be the means by which we will build a lasting memorial to our daughter.
During the Zeon War he made a lifelong nemesis of Char Aznable (Zeon's ace pilot ).
Smaller tools will include a hand lens, hardness tester, color char and magnet.
Talking to the char wallah next morning, I mentioned this incident.
Differences not only in the size of towns, but in the arrangement and char - acter of the population, make each district a telephone problem b3, itself, and nullify close comparisons between telephone rates and telephone efficiencies in different areas and different countries.
The differentiations of structure that char acterize animals and plants are being shown to be orderly and definite in many respects; the relations of the various parts to one another and to the whole, the modes of repetition of parts, and the series of changes that occur in groups of repeated parts, appear to be to a certain extent inevitable, to depend on the nature of the living material itself and on the necessary conditions of its growth.
With the fixed retorts these valves are worked from time to time by the attendant, but with revolving retorts they are worked continuously and automatically and allow from sixteen to twenty-four ounces of char to escape per minute from each cooler, and so make room in the retort above for a corresponding quantity to enter from the drying floor.
I hear a song sparrow singing from the bushes on the shore,--olit, olit, olit,--chip, chip, chip, che char,--che wiss, wiss, wiss.
You can place it in a corner or inconspicuously on a shelf or even by a char since the unit doesn't take up much space.
Recent offerings include arctic char filets, tea-steamed duck medallions and saffron thread risotto cakes.
All sugars are colourless solids or syrups, which char on strong heating; they are soluble in water, forming sweet solutions but difficultly soluble in alcohol.
Each cistern is fitted kith a perforated false bottom, on which a blanket or specially woven cloth is placed, to receive the char which is poured in from the top, and packed as evenly as possible until the cistern is filled.
The char is then " settled " by water being slowly run on to it, in order to prevent the syrup making channels for itself and not permeating the whole mass evenly.
The syrup in the cistern is allowed to remain for about twelve hours, by which time the char will have absorbed all the colouring matter in it, as well as the lime.