Any mollusc, of the class Cephalopoda, which includes squid, cuttlefish, octopus, nautiloids etc.
Cephalopod molluscs have been traced back to the straight-shelled nautiloids of the genus Volborthella, while true ammonites have been found in the inferior Permian of the Continent and by American palaeontologists in the true coal measures.
They yield chitin in place of chondrin or gelatin - as does also the cartilage of the Cephalopod's endoskeleton.
English cephalopod landings are dominated by cuttlefish caught in the English Channel outside the area of interest.
Whether the closed primitive shell-sac of the slugs (and with it the transient embryonic shell-gland of all other Mollusca) is precisely the same thing as the closed sac in which the calcareous pen or shell of the Cephalopod Sepia and its allies is formed, is a further question which we shall consider when dealing with the Cephalopoda.
It is concluded that the overall impact on cephalopods and cephalopod fisheries in the SEA2 area by further oilfield development would be slight.