A Spanish white sparkling wine made using the méthode champenoise.
There is one anterior vena cava, formed by the union of the two jugular and two axillary veins.
It receives the three great venous trunks of the body, namely the vena cava superior dextra, the vena cava superior sinistra more dorsally, and the vena cava inferior more to the right and below; the opening of the last is guarded by two prominent valves in place of the mammalian valvula Eustachii.
The venae hepaticae magnae join the vena cava posterior and thereby form with it the vena cava inferior.
Both present the appearance of diminutive clusters of grapes, at the anterior end of the kidneys, close to the suprarenal bodies, separated from each other by the descending aorta and by the vena cava where this is formed by the right and left vena iliaca communis.
The two ambones in the cathedral of Salerno, which are different in design, are magnificent in effect and are enriched with sculpture as well as with mosaic. In the gospel ambo in the cathedral of Ravello (1272), and also in that of the convent of the Trinita della Cava near Salerno, the spiral columns inlaid with mosaic stand on the backs of lions.
In the epistle ambo at Salerno and the gospel ambones at Cava and San Giovanni del Toro in Ravello, the columns support segmental arches carrying the ambones; the epistle ambo at Ravello and all those in Rome are raised on solid marble bases.
This is bounded on the left by the inferior vena cava, which is sunk into a deep groove in the liver, and into the upper part of this the hepatic veins open.
To the left of the vena cava is the Spigelian lobe, which lies in front of the bodies of the tenth and eleventh thoracic vertebrae, the lesser sac of peritoneum, diaphragm and thoracic aorta intervening.
Behind the transverse fissure the lower end of the Spigelian lobe is seen as a knob called the tuber papillare, and from tree right of this a narrow bridge runs forward and to the right to join the Spigelian lobe to the right Vena cava in its fossa lobe and to shut off the transverse fissure from that for the vena cava.
These eventually reach the hepatic radicles, and so the blood is conducted into the vena cava.
The vena cava (vc) is always found to the right of the Spigelian lobe and dorsal to the stalk of the caudate.
Between Hoy and Pomona are Hunda (8), Cava (17), and Graemsay (195), which has excellent soil and is mostly under cultivation.
The afferent vessel of the' ctenidium receives blood from the vena cava or principal blood-sinus of the body, the efferent vessel opens into the auricle of its own side.
The arteries and veins have proper endothelial walls; they pass abruptly into the sinuses and in some cases communication is effected by orifices in the walls of the vessels, as for example in the vena cava of Nautilus.
Off the eastern coast lie the islands of Graemsay, Cava, Risa, Fara, Flotta and Switha, while the peninsula of South Walls, forming the southern side of the harbour of Long Hope, is an island in all but name.
Occasionally, when the aneurysm has ruptured on the right side the tear may have caused a fistula into the vena cava.
The cuisine is strongly regional, served with local wines - sparkling Catalan cava or chilled fino sherry from Andalucia.
After initial partial CT resolution the tumor grew, compressing the inferior vena cava.
The " Main artery " is called the aorta, and the " main vein " is called the vena cava.
These lead directly to the inferior vena cava, draining blood from the liver.
The tip of the CVP line should lie in the superior vena cava just above its junction with the right atrium.
Diagnosis Persistant left sided superior vena cava, with absence of the right superior vena cava.
A vena cava filter is a small, metal device about an inch long, shaped rather like the spokes of an umbrella.
If you don't want to use champagne, you can also use a Spanish Cava or an Italian Prosecco in place of traditional Champagne.
Corydalis Cava - One of the dwarfest race, flowering early in the year, with purplish blossoms.
Hailing from Spain, Cava wines use the traditional Méthode Champenoise, but incorporate different grapes.
Champagne is an especially festive choice, but you can also choose baskets centered around other bubbly wines like Spanish Cava, Italian Prosecco or American sparkling wines; or select a frizzante wine like Muscato d'Asti.
These veins are the superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava.
A ureter can be perfectly normal but in the wrong place, such as behind the vena cava (retrocaval ureter), the large vein in the middle of the abdomen.
In this case the ureter may be pinched by the vena cava so that flow is hindered.
Retrocaval ureter-A ureter that is located behind the vena cava blood vessel.
Abnormal openings also form in the upper part of the atrial septum (called sinus venosus ASD) where the superior vena cava and right atrium join, and lower parts of the atrial septum (called primum ASD).