A rifle with a short barrel.
Mauser rifles (1901 model) and carbines are used by the infantry and cavalry, and Schneider Canet quick-firing guns by the field and horse artillery.
The cavalry is armed with repeating carbines (the N.C.O.'s with repeating revolvers) and swords.
Grant, some so Sudanese soldiers, and about 250 porters, armed with Snider carbines.
Sixth, the board is not decided in the opinion whether it would be best to have only magazine carbines in the cavalry service.
There were in addition twelve muzzle loading carbines per troop.
This growing interest in 45 caliber lever-action carbines is very attractive, at least to me.
The cavalry was armed with Sharps carbines, which were superior to the rifled musket.
You'll be toting pistols, shotguns, carbines, nail guns (which are fun to shoot, but very dangerous), range rifles, and you'll be able to mount cannon turrets for a little mass poundage action.