A rifle with a short barrel.
Switch over to the carbine and start shooting.
He remarked that every horseman carried a carbine slung across his shoulders and pistols in his holsters.
The cavalry weapons are a straight sword (that of the heavy cavalry is illustrated in the article SWORD), a bamboo lance and the Lebel carbine.
It is the first British short assault carbine into service, it will not be the last.
This carbine has no handguards and the sling swivels are mounted on the left side of the stock.
The infantry was armed with the Mannlicher magazine rifle (model 1893), the cavalry with the Mannlicher carbine, the horse and field artillery with Krupp quick-firing guns.
At the beginning of the town is a Carbine weapon.
When your carbine runs out, pull out your two pistols and fire away.
The armament of the infantry is Martini-Henry rifle and bayonet; of the cavalry, lance, sword and carbine.
Troopers are armed with lance, sword and carbine (for which in 1908 the substitution of a short rifle with bayonet was suggested).