A type of cat native to Southern Africa, West Asia, and parts of Central and South Asia, Caracal caracal.
The plains near the Olt and Jiu estuaries are rich in Roman remains, notably in the towns of Caracal, Grodjibod and Islaz.
The cheetah lingers in the extreme south of the Jerid; so also does the caracal lynx.
Of animals still found may be mentioned baboons and monkeys, the leopard, red lynx (Felis caracal), spotted hyena, aard wolf, wild cat, long-eared fox, jackals of various kinds, the dassie or rock rabbit, the scaly anteater, the ant bear (aardvaark), the mongoose and the spring haas, a rodent of the jerboa family.
Thousands of the kids are also dyed black and worked into cross-shaped pieces, in which shape they are largely exported to Germany, France, Great Britain and America, and sold by the retail as caracal, kid or caracul.
The caracal is easily tamed, and in some parts of India is trained to capture the smaller antelopes and deer and such birds as the crane and pelican.
Frequent reference is made in Greek and Roman literature to the lynx, and from such descriptions as are given of it there is little doubt that the caracal, and not the European lynx, was referred to.
In South Africa, where the caracal abounds, its hide is made by the Zulus into skin-cloaks, known as karosses.
The North African caracal has been separated as Lynx, or Caracal, berberorum, but it is best regarded as a local race.
As an English word(lynx)the name is used of any animal of this group. It is not certain to which of these, if to any of them, the Greek name X y was especially applied, though it was more probably the caracal than any of the northern species.
Other towns which, like the foregoing, are described in separate articles are Alexandria, Babadag, Bacau, Buzeu, Calafat, Calarashi, Campulung, Caracal, Curtea de Argesh, Dorohoi, Dragashani, Falticeni, Hushi, Mangalia, Neamtzu, Oltenitza, Piatra, Pitesci, Ramnicu Sarat, Ramnicu Valcea, Roman, Sinaia, Sulina, Tirgu Jiu, Tirgu Ocna, Tirgovishtea, Tecuci, Turnu Magurele, Turnu Severin and Vaslui.
A rare carnivore found on the Jidda ' is the caracal lynx Caracal caracal lynx Caracal caracal.