A yeast of the genus Candida, usually specifically Candida albicans
Amongst hardy species of Nymphaea now much grown are candida, nitida, odorata, pygmaea and tuberosa, all with white, more or less sweet-scented flowers; flava, yellow, and sphaerocarpa, rose-carmine.
There were oaks, beeches (scarcely distinguishable from existing species), birches, planes and willows (one closely related to the living Salix candida), laurels, represented by Sassafras and Cinnamomum, magnolias and tulip trees (Liriodendron), myrtles, Liquidambar, Diospyros and ivy.
About the end of the century the southern Picts of Galloway, and tribes farther north, were partially converted by St Ninian, from the candida casa of Whithern.
Candida was written in 1894 for Mr Mansfield, who did not produce it until December 1903; but it was played in Aberdeen in July 1897 by the Independent Theatre Company.
The Vedrenne-Barker management also revived Candida (April 1904), You Never Can Tell (May 1905), Captain Brassbound's Conversion (March 1906) and John Bull's other Island (November 1904), a statement of the Irish land question, which had been produced at the Camden Theatre in 1903, and later by the Stage Society.
About 1150 he was a Premonstratensian canon at St Andrews, and some twenty years later abbot and bishop of Candida Casa (Whithorn) in Galloway.
It is tenanted by myriads of sea-fowl, frigate-birds, boobies, and terns (Gygis candida), which find here an excellent nesting-place, for the island is uninhabited, and is visited only once or twice a year.
Everyone who wears dentures will have candida, without necessarily suffering any ill effects.
Candida If you are using Green Essence to treat candida If you are using Green Essence to treat candida, the following regime is recommended.
A postgraduate meeting of doctors, dentists and pharmacists included information on management of mouth ulcers and oral candida in primary care.
Promising new treatment for candida sufferers A potent new form of probiotics offers new hope for recurrent candida sufferers A potent new form of probiotics offers new hope for recurrent candida suffers.
If you suspect you have a long term candida condition then it is very important that you take the dietary aspect seriously.
An over-growth of the yeast candida albicans is a common infection in the body that can lead to a whole range of health problems.
Candida, a yeast-like fungus, has become a major cause of the life-threatening infection called invasive candidiasis.
Candida albicans is a yeast causing candidiasis or " thrush " in humans.
Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis is a condition in which the patient suffers severe persistent candida infections.
Candida and the children became increasingly frightened, and eventually Candida had no choice but to ask for a divorce.
Drugs included Topical nystatin is effective against Candida (but not against dermatophyte infections, thus requiring a definite diagnosis ).
Controlled studies have shown that Lactobacillus acidophilus might prevent candida vaginitis.
Vitamin C and the mineral zinc strengthen the immune system to cope with other infections during the candida infestation.
Angular stomatitis, dermatitis in the corners of the mouth, usually in denture wearers, may be caused by candida.
This lucky coincidence brought Sybil a job understudying the role of Candida in a tour directed by the writer himself.
The most common type of fungus that causes yeast diaper rashes is known as Candida albicans.
The exact Candida albicans candidiasis remedy dose depends upon an individual's unique condition.
For recurrent Candida or yeast infections, please see a physician, since this can be a hint of an underlying medical condition that needs prompt treatment.
Candida albicans, also commonly called 'yeast', is a single-celled organism that lives in the digestive tract and in women is also found in the vagina.
Candidiasis, or a yeast infection, is the term used to describe an overgrowth of Candida albicans.
Candida albicans candidiasis remedy dose recommendations may be obtained from a naturopath, herbalist, or homeopathic expert.
Candida albicans, the yeast that causes the dreaded 'yeast infection', occurs naturally on the skin and inside the gastrointestinal tract.
It is one of the main components in natural medicines used to fight candida and other yeast infections.
The best kinds are S. candida, with pretty white flowers an inch across, on tall stems of 2 to 3 feet-a showy plant when freely grouped.
Candidiasis is an infection caused by a species of the yeast Candida, usually the Candida albicans fungus.
Candida is found on various parts of the bodies of almost all normal people but causes problems in only a few.
Many infants acquire candidiasis from their mothers during the process of birth, when the baby comes in contact with naturally existing Candida found in the mother's vagina.
Candida also may infect an infant's diaper rash, as it grows rapidly on irritated and moist skin.
Candida is a common cause of vaginal infections in adolescent girls, especially when the normal populations of the bacteria Lactobacilli have been reduced due to antibiotic use, allowing the overgrowth of Candida.
Candidiasis is caused by a species of the yeast Candida, usually the Candida albicans fungus.
The infected skin in diaper rash that includes infection with Candida appears fiery red with areas that may have a raised red border.
Fungal blood and stool cultures for detection of the Candida organism should be taken for patients suspected of having deep organ candidiasis.
In theory, these remedies make the vagina more acidic and, therefore, less hospitable to the growth of Candida.
Besides other varieties of strep organisms, these organisms may include Candida albicans, which can cause thrush; Corynebacterium diphtheriae, which can cause diphtheria; and Bordetella pertussis, which can cause whooping cough.
Thrush-An infection of the mouth, caused by the yeast Candida albicans and characterized by a whitish growth and ulcers.
Treatment of diaper candida in young infants should include oral drops to treat any candida in the mouth and gut to avoid re-infection.
These include streptococci, staphylococci, anaerobic organisms, Prevotella melaninogenica, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Candida spp. and Eikenella corrodens.
Candida is the medical name for a type of fungus which can infect the skin.
Between the baby's saliva, your own milk production, and the breaks in your chapped skin, the area around your nipples can become a very friendly environment for candida.
Doctors aren't completely sure how common candida infections are.
Check your baby's mouth for white patches that signal thrush, a candida infection of the baby's mouth.
Also check for diaper rash, which can be caused by candida.
If you think you have a candida infection, you should talk with your doctor.